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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Black History Month

    Tue 29 Sep 2020 Mr J Howe

    Following on from my assembly yesterday, to start Black History Month 2020. What can you find out about these amazing individuals? Why are they considered trailblazers?

    You could bring into school some facts / create a powerpoint / design a poster, artwork, review...this is your opportunity to show what you have found.

    The best work will be going on display in school to celebrate the contribution to British life of great black Britons.




  • Updates on our Curriculum and use of Face Coverings

    Wed 23 Sep 2020 Mr J Howe


    In light of the recent announcement from the Prime Minister about stricter measures in response to rates of covid infections, can I remind you of our systems for the drop-off and collection of children. 


    We ask all parents and adults (unless exempt) who drop off or collect any children from the school to wear a face mask at all times when on the school site. We also recognise that, despite the social distancing systems in place, and most of our parents/ adults are following our guidance, there are times when some adults are not adhering to social distancing (and congregating) and some parents are not sticking to their child’s allocated drop off and pick up time.


    This is causing unnecessary congestion at some points, hence increasing the risk.


    Here is a reminder for all parents and adults about drop – off and pick up arrangements:


    · Only one parent/ adult dropping off or picking up

    · Follow the one-way system and do not go back on yourself.

    · Maintain social distance at all times.

    · Know your child’s collection and drop off times

    · Stick as close as possible to times to avoid unnecessary waiting or gatherings. Do not arrive before your allocated time.

    · Older children, where possible and with permission, walk on to the school site on their own

    · Avoid social gatherings and leave as soon as you have collected your child.

    · Keep walkways and gates clear

    · Adults wear a mask when on the school site (unless exempt)

    · Wait to collect your child from the place we have asked you to




    Drop Off





    11.45am or 2.45pm




























    We know these measures are new for us all and we have to respond to the changing situation, so we all must follow them to help to keep our community and our school family safe.

    Thank you all for your continued support with ensuring the children have as close a return to normal school life as is possible. Timetable changes and day to day life may be a little different, but the atmosphere remains warm, positive and purposeful in each year group.


    Throughout this pandemic we have worked successfully with our community to ensure they feel listened to and their concerns and thoughts are taken into consideration, we have made sure to the best of our ability that everyone is kept as safe as possible. 


    In each year group, our recovery curriculum is being embedded and will be continually reviewed. However, if there is a further peak in infection rate and more stringent conditions need to be enforced, the arrangements may need to change sooner. As we move through the term we know that children may have to self-isolate – for a variety of reasons – for up to 14 days. We have staff ready to respond to the challenge of children missing out – again – on further chunks of formal education, but that can only work in partnership with parents.


    As part of planning our timetable, intervention and additional sessions, we are using assessments to check where the gaps are in pupils’ knowledge and learning are and it is clear there are gaps. This is vital in helping our staff understand the “whole picture” of a child, rather than in one subject alone and plan accordingly.

    High quality assessment for learning are being used. The whole purpose of this is to help children move on in their learning. These are not SATs and we have and will continue to use various techniques and tools to assess children more practically during the these first weeks of Autumn Term academically. This will allow the teaching team to establish starting points for teaching.

    Y2, as in every school, are required by the Department of Education to do a phonics screening check, at some point after October half term, with results to be sent to Sunderland City Council. We will inform parents in Y2 the arrangements for this in due course.


    Since COVID we have learned new ways of how to support each other, the schools relationship with families has changed, I believe, for the better. This will change the way the school works in the future and we will do MORE than ever to support you and your family. We recognise that the school family will need to help each other work through the re-opening of Seaburn Dene to respond to difficulties as they arise. 


    We have a wide range of support on offer to children families and staff. Support ranges from internal staff  support, mutual staff support to referrals to agencies employed by the school for parents to Local Authority Services for staff and children when necessary.


    Where necessary we have a strong PSHE curriculum in place to support the children’s understanding of the current issues.  We therefore feel we are in an informed position to support our children and families and realise that some children will need and continue to need a different approach to support their mental wellbeing and transition back to school. 


    We strongly feel that a mixture of wellbeing tasks, sport, creative art and social activities as well as the Seaburn Dene approach to high quality teaching, learning and support available for all our school family will be the best recipe for children, staff and parents feeling safe, secure, confident and happy.  We are incredibly fortunate to have a hugely experienced and confident staff team that will help support everyone. 

    We will continue to teach in the way we know excites and motivates children; which is what they truly deserve after such a long break from education.


  • Y6 "Virtual" Open Evening

    Thu 10 Sep 2020 Mr J Howe
    Monkwearmouth Academy are holding a Y6 "Virtual" Open Evening, from 4pm next Tuesday. Please see the attached for more details.
  • A New Year

    Mon 07 Sep 2020 Mr J Howe

    IT has been a very different start to the beginning of new academic year, one which has brought about many changes for everyone. I hope that you all had a good summer and feel rested. The children and staff have returned to school and made the transition very smoothly. Our main focus through the year will centre on supporting the children and staff with their well – being. In order for everyone to have a positive year we must make sure that we are supportive and discuss any concerns and worries openly. There are so many changes that have been imposed on us over the past six months that we must  continue to follow guidance to keep us all safe. We will continue to communicate as frequently as possible , because there is a lot of - ever changing -  information for you to consider and be familiar with. We look forward to working closely with you once again this year and if for any reason you need to speak with a member of staff please call the office or send a Dojo message or email to your child’s classteacher, via


    The word of the week: insurmountable - a problem that is so great, it can't be dealt with successfully.


    CHILD ILL? It is really important that if your child is ill, including showing symptoms of Covid-19, you contact the school office.  If they show symptoms of Covid-19 they do not attend school, even if you suspect it might be another medical condition.

    If your child has one of the main symptoms:

    *a high temperature, hot to the touch on their chest and back (doesn't necessarily have to be measured.)

    *a new, continuous cough - coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.

    *a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste.

    We will ask you to get your child tested to check if they have coronavirus as soon as possible, and self-isolate until the results of the test are known. 

    Inform the school immediately of the results of this test.


    If the test is negative, the child may return to school (as long as they are feeling well enough) and fellow household members can end their self-isolation. 


    If the test result is positive the child must continue to self-isolate until 10 days after they first became ill. If they still have a high temperature, they should keep self-isolating until their temperature returns to normal. Other members of their household should continue self-isolating for the full 14 days.


    As a school, we will take swift action if we become aware that someone who has attended has tested positive for COVID-19 and will contact the local health protection team.

    This team will also contact schools directly if they become aware that someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 attended the school – as identified by NHS Test and Trace.

    The health protection team will carry out a rapid risk assessment to confirm who has been in "close contact" with the person during the period that they were infectious. These people will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days and get a test.

    If the test is positive - contact school and continue to isolate from at least 7 days from start of symptoms.

    If the test is negative - remain in isolation for the remainder of the 14-day isolation period, because they could still


    We will then send a letter out to all parents and staff, if needed, outlining the action to be taken.


    COLLECTION AND DROP OFF – Thank you for your patience. The times and arrangements have been relatively successful, however we have to make some changes to FSU and Y1 drop off times and will review the success of this this week.

    For this to work and for us to follow guidelines regarding social distancing, we need the support of the whole school community in two things:

    1. Not arriving too early or late for their child's collection and drop off.

    2. Not congregating at the school gates/fence at Torver Crescent, after your child has been dropped off.




