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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Welcome back

    Sun 24 Feb 2019 Mr J Howe

    With only 30 days in this half term, it's going to be an exciting and very full six weeks. With World Book Day, 500 Word Writing Competition, hockey and street dance competitions, Parent's Evening and our musical Pantastic in the same half term, the children will be engaged in writing, exploring wonderful stories, being active and exploring the creative arts in all its wonderful technicolor. Keep checking the calendar and the website for further details.



    The entries began to pile up this morning as we all remember the 500 Word Writing Competition (theme: a letter) which closes on Friday, 1st March at 3pm. We will be selecting the best entries from KS1 and KS2 and an overall winner for the inaugural Purdy Trophy. Good luck everyone!



    On Thursday this week children who read every night during the week and at least once on a weekend, will step up to receive their certificates in a special assembly.  Parents have been invited to the event so well done to all - this is a shared effort between school and home.


  • Basketball and other business

    Mon 11 Feb 2019 Mr J Howe

    Basketball Team -the Sunderland Hoops for Health Champions

    What an exciting evening we had on Friday, watching our marvellous Y5 team triumph in the Sunderland Hoops for Health final. Our first match in the semis was a tough match against St. Cuthbert's RC Primary School.  It was hard fought but we won 4-2. Having watched the first half of the main match in which Newcastle played Manchester, our hearts were in our mouths as the team took to the court for the final against Barnes Juniors. They were fantastic, winning 6-0, particularly when you consider they are a small class, playing against schools which can select from up to three classes in a year group. A huge thank you goes to Mr. Ashton for arranging for the Newcastle Eagles to come into school to kick start the project and - of course - for Mr. Traves who has given up too many lunch hours to count to manage and train the team. Next we play against other winning teams from around the region. We can't wait.


    Uniform reminder

    Please could I politely remind parents that trainers and multi-coloured hair bows are not school uniform. Children wearing boots to school also need indoor shoes. Tailored grey trousers, culottes, skirts or dresses are all considered to be uniform.



    Our choir are building up to performing more as a group in 2019 and on Monday joined other schools at Sunderland Minster for a dress rehearsal ahead of their planned involvement in the City Sings later this year. Good luck to all the children involved from Y4 to Y6 and Mrs Houston for organising.



    We are continuing with our school tradition of celebrating World Book Day with fancy dress and Stories at Bedtime. This year the theme is Heroes and Villains so there are a multitude of outfits to choose from including the Narnia stories, Lemony Snicket, all the fairy tales, Alex Ryder, The Hobbit, the Famous Five, Treasure Island and the list goes on and on. 


  • Reading, Writing and wait for it...auditions

    Sun 03 Feb 2019 Mr J Howe

    Reading at home

    Reading is a fundamental skill which we as a school teach, support, promote at every opportunity. Looking through your children's reading journals last week was such a pleasure. At a glance, I could see the hard work, encouragement and interaction between parents, grandparents and carers and our children. Listening to your child read is one of the pleasures of teaching and parenting and it is clear the vast majority of parents believe so too. Making time for reading, in a world where time and technology pressures are many, is still so important and the benefits of the time you are investing is clear in school. Keep up the good work.


    500 word competition

    If you are a Radio 2 listener, you will be aware that the 500-word story competition has been announced. This is just a reminder that, running alongside this, is our own 500 word story competition to win The Purdy Trophy. I launched it last week in assembly and the theme, in its first year, is a letter.  We are keen that all our children have an opportunity to develop a passion for writing and have the chance to enter if they chose to. It is an exciting opportunity, which children will have the chance to complete over the forthcoming half-term holidays. Both myself and Mrs Tough will be talking to the teachers with some exciting ideas to support them in helping the children across school to make an entry.


    It has been a cold and frosty week and I am mindful that parents and children are standing on the playground getting very cold! With that in mind, on very cold or rainy days children, this is a reminder that children are permitted to enter school at 8.45am, with the school day officially starting at 8.55am. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff on the day, please contact the school office and your child’s class teacher will endeavour to call you back at break time. If it is urgent, the school office will pass your message on straight away in the morning.


    Thank you to all the children who took part in the auditions for our Y2 3,4,5  Spring musical: Pantastic. What a real joy it was. Such an array of talent in our school and children who have taken the time and effort to learn their lines. 

    It was fantastic to welcome Leo back to school from Monkwearmouth - to join our judging panel. He spent Christmas starring in Peter Pan, so knows exactly what it takes. Making up the judging panel were Mrs Houston and Mrs Taylor. They have a very hard task indeed.


    On a sporting note, a group of year 2 girls and boy took part in a cluster gymnastics tournament. The team came 3rd overall from 9 teams. Congratulations to all of them  for their achievements!


    Safeguarding all our children and families is at the heart of the work of the school and keeping your children safe in the community is crucial. I would urge parents to continue to be mindful when driving on the main road near the entrance to the school and not to drive on the pavement where families are walking. Thank you for your continued support in this matter.

    Finally, thank you for your continued positive feedback and have a lovely week

    Mr Howe
