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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Thank You, Thank You and Thank You Again

    Fri 20 Jul 2018 M. Purdy

    During the last two weeks I have been overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of children, parents and staff. Never in my dreams would I have imagined the wonderful things you have done, said or presented to me. I am very touched.


    The stunning glass vases the Friends of the School and Parents bought are waiting for my decorators to put their final touches to my rooms, then they'll find a place to live where I see them every day. Think also of me, with your vouchers for the Ramside, tucking into  lovely meals or afternoon teas or maybe a spa treatment or two.


    After the laughter and tears are over, the gallons of prosecco drunk and boxes of chocolates eaten, I'll think of Seaburn Dene Primary School fondly and with affection. I wish each and every one of you much happiness in your lives. 


    Maxine Purdy

  • Farewell

    Mon 16 Jul 2018 Mr Howe

    We are approaching the end of another busy and successful school year.

    I would like to start by thanking all of our superb staff for all their efforts this year and pass on my thanks to you, the parents, for all your support.

    The children have flourished over the year and, when we look back as parents or teachers, we can be very proud of the progress our children have made academically, socially and emotionally. They have truly epitomised our school values of kindness, respect, determination and aspiration.

    I am enormously proud of staff; they work long hours and are dedicated to providing the very best education for your children.

    The end of the school year always brings mixed feelings. We are all looking forward to the summer holiday but are saddened by the departure of children and their families and one member of staff.

    The Year 6 children are a wonderful and talented group of girls and boys who we are sending into the wider world as prepared as we can make them. Their excellent results, achieved in the SAT’s tests, was the result of their growth mindset, determination and resilience,  along with Year 2's equally impressive results, however - as always - they are the sum of more than just a set of results.

    For some of our families, this is their only or last child with us so we say to you… keep in touch and please come and join us at fairs and other events in the near future. My sincere thanks again, to the parents for their support, to all staff for their exceptional efforts, to the Seaburn Dene Friends for all their fundraising activities and to the children who make the most challenging of days, worthwhile and enjoyable.

    Finally, I would like to say a personal "thank you" and bid farewell to someone who has been an inspirational leader of our school for 18 years. Miss Purdy has always had a vision for our school, one which has embraced creativity, prompted children's curiosity, encouraged them to aim higher and, above all,  be the best they could and still can be. Children and staff, together.

    I intend to continue on this journey, to build on all our strengths at Seaburn Dene, as we move on together into the future.

    My best wishes to you all for the summer.

    Mr J Howe


    IN THE WEEK AHEAD...........

    On Monday, Y6 will visit Roker Park as part of their Sea Less Plastic work. There is also the reward trip for children in Y2, 3, 4 to The Empire Cinema to see Incredibles 2. The criteria is based on behaviour, effort, attendance and commitment to reading.

    On Tuesday, Y6 are taking part in a beach litter pick to towards their Sea Less Plastic sculpture. At 2.30pm, Year 6-plus will be attending their presentation afternoon and cream tea.

    On Thursday, Y6-plus will be enjoying their Leavers' meal, followed by a disco in school.

    Finally, on Friday, school breaks up with the traditional Seaburn Dene send off for our Y6-plus.



  • A different voice

    Mon 09 Jul 2018 Mr J Howe

    As this is my first entry in the headteacher’s diary, I couldn’t really go any further, than talk about how packed summer seems to be at our school.  Everywhere I look, right at this moment – children are exploring the grounds armed with magnifying glasses with our RSPB visitors, carrying ukuleles to the hall, dribbling basketballs on the yard, sharing a novel with Bark and Read: it’s a whirlwind. To truly appreciate the wealth of opportunities are children are enjoying and engaged in, summer term has to be the place to start.


    This week sees many of our Y6+ return from their transition week at Monkwearmouth Academy. The feedback has been excellent, “fantastic ambassadors for Seaburn Dene” was the message from across the lawn and quite rightly we are proud of that (the children always rise to the challenge.) While they return, classmates continue their transition journey to Whitburn CofE Academy and St Robert of Newminster RC. I am sure they will impress in their new surroundings, as they have at Seaburn Dene.


    Elsewhere, the children have settled into their new surroundings, accepting the challenge of our own transition and the comments from parents/carers from our Meet and Greet were really gratifying, reminding myself and staff that families truly appreciate what we as a school are doing.


    IN THE WEEK AHEAD...........

    On Monday, Y3 will visit a Naval Heroes exhibition, as part of the Tall Ships, at Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens.

    On Tuesday, the KS2 SAT results will be released.

    We will all be heading to the Sunderland Empire Theatre on Wednesday morning for the Big Sing – an attempt to break the world record for the most people singing at one time, an event inspired by the Tall Ships Race, followed by a Tall Ships picnic lunch back at school.

    On Wednesday, all school reports will be sent out with children – please look out for these.

    Children from our Yr 5, 6 and 6+ classes are heading out on their amazing reward trip to York on Thursday This will include a bus to the National Railway Museum, followed by picnic lunch and matinee performance of MacBeth at a pop-up recreation of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and village, next to Clifford Tower.


    This week our value is: KINDNESS.


    We have been sharing this thought with children, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure, without any loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill.

