As a school we are dedicated to ensuring we hear the views of parents and put them into action where possible. We invite the panel to meet with me on a half termly basis to discuss a variety of things about school e.g. Attendance, the school website, homework reporting to parents etc. It is also a time for you as a parent to share your views or concerns in an open forum.
Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. On this page you will find information on up coming meetings as well as minutes from previous meetings held. If you want to attend one of our future meetings, please get in touch via
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Parent Panel Meetings - 2022-24
07.10.22 - 2.30pm
10.02.23 - 2.30pm
26.05.23 - 2.30pm
06.10.23 - 2.30pm
14.03.24 - 9am
24.05.24 - 2.30pm