Welcome to Year 1!
Welcome to Year 1 where no two days are ever the same; there is always something fun and exciting to learn and do!
Hi I'm Mrs Tough, the Year 1 teacher. I have been at Seaburn Dene a long time as I love the warm, friendly, family feel of our school.
We spend a lot of our time learning through games, songs and practical activities along with more traditional lessons as we think this is the best way to learn new skills, it is also lots of fun. Our classroom mascots help us learn new concepts every week, they are always on hand to help us.
Important days for parents
Mondays: PE with Mr Charlton ( gymnastics) story books changed. New E-books set on RWI e- library
Tuesdays: Library books changed.
Wednesdays: Homework due in. ( maths/ English alternate weeks)
Fridays: Story books changed.
We expect all our children to read every evening and at weekends. In Year 1, 10 minutes should be a minimum and, in addition, most children love to share books with adults, especially at bedtime. Please ensure you either sign the reading log to confirm daily reading is taking place and upload by Sunday afternoon each week or write a list on Class Dojo in the journal section. Any reading is a bonus whether its online via Oxford Reading Buddy site, RWI e-library, a Read write Inc or Oxford Reading Tree book, a picture book or a set of flashcards. Make it work for you as a family. Consistency is the key to success.
Children will also have links to phonic videos of sounds they have recent learnt in school posted on Class Dojo. These are a great way to supplement reading at home and it gives you the chance to practise sounds that we are learning currently in school.
Homework is alternated weekly. Maths one week then English. Books or online tasks are set on Fridays and need to be returned by the following Wednesday please. The focus for our homework is always based on work previously done in class. Sometimes I may ask for screen shots of work done online or a photo. When working in our books please encourage the children to use HB pencils and use their best handwriting.
Learning Links
Here are some of our favourite songs and videos we are are using to support our learning in class this term. Links to our favourite songs will also be shared on Class Dojo.
Computer Whizzkids
In this section you will find links to free, safe, internet based games that will support your child's learning. We use these in class in our Cool Computing area.
Watching Alphablocks for a few minutes a day would really help your child develop their phonic skills. Each episode is around 5 minutes long, why not watch one before you read with your child, after breakfast or after school to boost the sounds they are learning in school.
Another personal favourite of mine is the Cbeebies programme Numberblocks. These programmes cover lots of topics taught in Year 1, usually around 5 minutes long a great way to end a busy school day or watch before school.