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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

The School Day

KS1 and KS2

The school playground opens at 8.45am. Staff are on duty from this time, so we ask that children do not arrive before this, as they will not be supervised.


At 8.45am, the school gates are opened for children to make their way into school for the start of the day at 8.50am.


Morning break time starts at 10.10am. Children may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable sticks to eat during breaktime.


Lunch takes place in one sitting from Midday. All children eat in the main hall. When they are finished eating, they clear their table and enjoy playtime.


Afternoon playtime - Children in Years 1 and 2 have a 10-minute break each day. If children at Key Stage 2 have been kept indoors during the lunch break due to poor weather, teachers will provide a 10-minute activity break at a suitable point in their afternoon lessons.


The school day ends at 3.20pm. Children not collected by 3.30pm will be taken to the after-school club. Parents should collect from the after-school club entrance and pay for that session. This totals, in a typical week, 32.5 hours.


Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)

Our Nursery day starts at 8.45am, with the morning session finishing at 11.45am and the afternoon session ending at 2.45pm. The Reception class day begins at 8.50am, finishing at 3.20pm.


Before and After School Care

Breakfast Club and Tea Club are managed by the school, opening at 7.45am and closing at 5.30pm, with entry via the FSU/Yr 1 yard. Children are taken to their respective classrooms by staff at 8.45am and in the afternoons children registered for Tea Club are collected from their classrooms or after school clubs. Breakfast and a light tea are provided.  The cost is £4 for the first hour and £2 for every part half hour after this.


Whether you need to book daily sessions or a one-off session we can cater for you.  From the start of the 2024/2025 academic year an online booking system is being used.  You will be required to register your child(ren) in advance: - use this link to register your child for Breakfast and Tea Club


You will be asked to create an account, add your child/ren and then choose one of the following options:


Contract - This is for guaranteed regular sessions, where you are booking the same days each week for the whole period (e.g. term at a time).  These will be invoiced weekly, in advance at the beginning of each week.  Please be aware that you will need to create your account and request your contract in advance, as the contract will need to be authorised, before your child attends. - use this link for guidance on making contract bookings


Ad-Hoc Booking - We appreciate that whilst some bookings are needed each week on an ongoing basis, there may be other occasions when additional spaces are required on an ad-hoc basis.  Bookings can be made on the Kids Club HQ System in advance up to 24 hours before required.  These will be payable at the time of booking.  Please be aware that you will need to create your account, book a place and pay for this before your child attends. - use this link for guidance on making ad-hoc bookings


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email, or contact the School Office on 0191 5634100.


