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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Our School Uniform

Our School Uniform

Our school has a duty to make sure that the uniform we require is affordable, in line with statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform. 

We will make sure our uniform:

  • Is available at a reasonable cost.
  • Provides the best value for money for families.

The uniform policy for our school has been created so that it can be purchased from many different retailers, including charity and second hand providers, so that it gives value for money for parents and carers and it is readily available. The uniform does not need to have the school's logo on and many of the items that are available with a logo are an optional choice.

  • School logo polo shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans and school coats are only available from Total Sport, Hendon Road, Sunderland.
  • Most supermarkets generally provide a range of school uniform items, including footwear, which are in line with the school’s uniform policy. 
  • We also have a range of good quality pre-loved uniform at the school office, that we can give out to parents/carers who may need them due to finance, children growing so quickly or nearing the end of the school term/year.  Please do not hesitate to ask at the school office.
  • Please click on the link below for information about uniforms from Sunderland City Council.


Children in the nursery, who are not yet of statutory school age can wear the same jumpers/cardigans, but with a white polo shirt/tie instead of dress shirt.


Suppliers of agreed items of uniform for Seaburn Dene Primary School

Total Sport North East  - supply our PE kit and also reversible logo jacket (£19). Items can be ordered online (link below) or by calling store on 0191 567 9043

Tesco– sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for boys and girls

Asda - sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for boys and girls.

Sainsbury’s – sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for boys and girls.

M & S - sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for boys and girls.

Next - sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for boys and girls.

New Look - sell appropriate shoes, trousers, skirts and jackets for girls.

Ties - school office.

Clarks – sell appropriate shoes for boys and girls.

Shoe Zone - sell appropriate shoes for boys and girls.


Items that can be purchased from School Office

Tie - Elasticated for Nursery to Year 1 - £3.50

Tie - Clip-on for Nursery to Year 2 - £4.50

Tie - Velcro for Year 2 to Year 6 - £5.50

Tie - Clip-on for Year 3 to Year 6 - £4.50

Book bag - £4.00

PE bag - £3.50

School uniform is available from Total Sport, this can be ordered on online

For health and safety reasons we ask that children wear plain, black sensible, flat heeled shoes or school.  

The Head Teacher has the right to prohibit the wearing of certain types of clothing types of clothing or particular item which are deemed on safety or other grounds to be unsuitable for wear in school.



The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children.

Hairstyles and haircuts which are deemed too extreme include tramlines, extensions, stars, shaved heads, extreme patterns ‘V’ styles, Mohican cuts and dyed, tipped or dipped hair. 

Pupils with long hair should also tie it back for safety reasons. 


PE Kits

School PE kit of white or blue T-shirt / black or blue shorts / tracksuit bottoms and hoody/ 1/4 zip top should be worn for PE lessons. Children can come to school dressed in PE kit on PE days.  Trainers or plimsolls should be provided to change into for PE. If you would like to purchase a PE kits can also be purchased from the Total Sport. 

All children are expected to join in PE lessons.  Exceptions are only made when a medical certificate or note is provided.


Please see the attached School Uniform Policy for additional advice.
