Home Page
  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Picture Gallery

Times Table Rockstars Day

The Friends' Halloween Disco 2022

Poetry Recital 2022-23

Le Jour de Francophonie

Y2 Hylton Castle trip - History

Yr 5 Wear Rivers Trip - Geography

Walk To School Week

Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bake Off

Derwent Hill - Outdoor Education Centre Residential 2022

Red and White Day

Scroll of Honour - Summer Term 2022

Rockpool School in Reception - Exploring Marine Life

Parents Join the Learning Journey in Reception

Pyjamarama - Raising Funds for the Book Trust

Bikeability - Learning Cycling proficiency in Y5 and Reception.

STEM with Nissan and Monozukuri Caravan

Watching the seasons change at Broom House Farm

Yr 4 sustainable science in action: River Wear oyster reef project

Easter Prayer Space - KS2

Yrs 2 and 5 History Visits

Class Attendance Awards - Spring 2022

Wear Oyster Project - Yr 4

Red Nose Day 2022

Y1 Showcase Their Work on British Landmarks

Certificates - Spring Term 2022

Police visit Reception

Learning about regional food - Y1 Topic

Bulb Planting - Science and Outdoor Learning in Y1

Phases of the moon - Y5 science

Sport - Reaching the Sunderland Finals of the Basketball (Hoops for Health.)

Science - dissecting a heart in Y6

Walkwise - Road Safety in Y2

Certificates - January 2022

French Twin School - First Virtual Meeting

Christmas 2021

Moon Landing DT Project - Yr 2

Christmas Fayre 2021

Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day 2021

Scarecrow Day and Competition

Outdoor Classroom Day

Change4Life - Pumpkin Carving

Respect Certificates and Class Dojo - October & November 2021

Halloween Disco

Young Engineers Challenge - Meccano

Kindness Certificates and Class Dojo - October 2021

Poetry Recital 2021

MacMillan Big Coffee Morning

Nursery Construction Work!

Highest Class Attendance - Sep & Oct 21

Respect and Class Dojo Certificates - Sep 21

Reception complete their Daily Mile

Newcastle Eagles Hoops 4 Health Roadshow

Library and Maths in Y2

Early Years PE

Hot Chocolate with the Head

Foraging - Roots and Shoots project

Vindolanda Visit - Y4 - Autumn 2021

First week back in school

Rugby in PE

Discovery Day at Castle Eden Nature Reserve

Beach Art at Seaburn

C'mon England - Euro Semi Final Dress in Red and White

Certificates for Kindness, Class Dojo and Travel Tracker badges

Y2 explore the beach at Seaburn

Y6 Class of 2021 Presentation and Performance - July 2021

Moor House - Yr 5 - Adventure Activity Visit - June 2021

Certificates - Aspiration, Class Dojo and Reading Plus - June 2021

Sports Day - June 2021

Y6 - STEM at Nissan - Monozukuri Caravan - June 2021

Y1 - Science and outdoor learning at West Boldon Lodge - June 2021

Bikeability in Y5 - June 2021

Derwent Hill - May 2021

Yoga in Nursery

Certificates - Determination, Class Dojo and Numbots - May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week - Nature and Walk to School Week

Shabbat in Yr 1 - Judaism.

DT in Yr 5

Pyjamarama Day 2021

Clubs in the Summer Term

DT in Reception - Making Egg Sandwiches

Observing Change in Science - Yr 1 and R

Community Link - Morrisons Seaburn

Determination Certificates

Outdoor Play - Summer

Cycling Skills and Road Safety

Tennis in PE

Multi-Skills in Yr 1

The chicks have hatched in EYFS - Living Eggs

Library Reopens - on the yard

Computing using Makey Makey and Scratch

New timber play area in EYFS - thanks to the Friends of Seaburn Dene

Comic Relief 2021 - Dress as a Superhero, Wear Red.

Grand Designs 2021 - Design a Play Park Competition with Sunderland Council

Easter Wreaths

National Day of Reflection - Tree Planting 2021

World Book Day 2021

Super Scientists Dream Big

Aliens Love Underpants

Reception's Reading Den

PE at home and in school

Writing with Jane Considine - live

Class Christmas Parties

Community Card Swap with St Benet's RC/Friends of Fulwell

Our Virtual Nativity

School Games Santa Dash

Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day

Certificate Winners for Kindness and Most Class Dojo points

Christingle Making and Raising Funds for The Children's Society

Go For It - Daily Mile

TT Rockstars - Most Improved in November and December

Travel Tracker Badges for November

Certificate Winners for "Dreaming Big" and Demonstrating Grit

Anti-Bullying Week 2020 - Odd Socks Day

Remembrance 2020

Putting the E in Effort

Outdoor Classroom Day - November 2020

Grand Designs - House designs after Y1 learnt about the surrounding community

TT Rockstars

SDPS Scarecrow Festival 2020

Outdoor learning and Cosmic Yoga in Nursery

Community Ambassadors

House Captains and Vice Captains

School librarians and reading buddies

National Poetry Day - inspired by the North Sea.

Inspired by Reading in KS1
