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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Celebrating Diversity

    Fri 27 Apr 2018 M. Purdy

    Different Families, Same Love.

    This week (Tuesday) we are holding a Rainbow Day to celebrate difference. Through stories and films we will be discussing gender stereotypes, different families and respect for each other. Everyone is invited to come into school in all the colours of the rainbow and, by the end of the day, we will reinforce that love is love within different families.


    Year 1-To help them with their Field to Fork topic, Year 1 are walking to Sea Road to visit a fruit and vegetable shop on Thursday.


    Build-a-Bridge Photographs-we had an amazing display of wonderfully creative bridges. Every bridge builder received a sparkling medal during a special assembly and photographs of individuals can be viewed by clicking here .






    Mon 23 Apr 2018 M. Purdy

    Bridge Display Drop In

    When Mrs Tough set the Build-a-Bridge competition for the Easter holiday we had no idea how many amazing structures would arrive in school. Each day this week children, parents and grandchildren have cautiously walked into school with the most wonderful, creative and well measured bridges. We are overwhelmed with the original design, range of materials and quality of finish.


    To celebrate we would like to invite any parent, grandparent or carer to drop into school between 3.00pm and 3.30pm on Monday(23rd) to view the exhibits. All are welcome. even if your child has not entered. 


    I'm so glad Mrs Tough is judging the winning entries. It's not a job I envy at all. I think everyone's a winner!.

  • What a Wonderful Start to the Term

    Fri 20 Apr 2018 M. Purdy

    Last week was an amazing week. Could it be the warm, bright weather that made us all feel energetic and enthusiastic or was it the entries in the Build-A-Bridge competition? Or was it all the exciting, challenging work, activities and sporting events we're enjoying. Whatever's putting the spring in our step we want more of it!



    If creating a bridge didn't capture the imagination of your child how about our Most Outrageous Hat competition to celebrate  the Royal Wedding on Friday 18th May?  Be as outrageous as you can be but we would like the decoration to be made by the children rather than buying the complete hat. They can be ghoulish, glamorous or simply ridiculous-there's some fantastic ideas on Google images-one hat for gents is made using Lego, another a colander with wool creating spaghetti and so on. I can't wait to see your creations!



    On Friday 18th May we're also having fancy dress. The theme is  Royal Wedding Guest so get out your  best outfits and don't forget that military uniforms all have a place. It's £1 a "guest" entry and, in keeping with the charity focus chosen by Meghan and Harry, we'll send our donations to The Great Northern Children's Hospital as one of our children is having treatment for cancer there.  There may be treats to buy during the day, a raffle and Gillian is designing a special  "Wedding " lunch. We'll keep you informed.



    We have high hopes this year for our football team. Having won both matches this week, the team has to have only one more win to guarantee their place as league champions. We're all holding our breath as nothing is ever a given but could we have yet another trophy in our cabinet by May half term?



    On Friday children in the lower junior classes represented the school in a skipping festival. This is an annual event and involved all Year 4 and a scattering of Year 3s. In the whole class skipping dance our team laced third and, in virtually every other category, individuals won medals. Well done to the whole team for the time and effort invested in this tournament-you did the school proud.





  • The Summer Term Begins

    Mon 16 Apr 2018 M. Purdy

    Welcome back everyone. With the promise of fabulous weather this week, it bodes well for the Summer term with all it entails-Sports Day, Bikewise, Year 6 Derwent Hill residential and the Tall Ships festival to name just a few. We can't wait to get started!


    Emergency Week

    This week our focus throughout the school is on being prepared to avoid and deal with emergencies and what to do if you find yourself in an emergency situation. The services within our community including Nexus travel are all being very supportive, coming into school and working with individual classses. PC Wilson and paramedic Rob Houston will also be running workshops so we thank them for their time. Did you know that Japanese children regularly have earthquake drills in school?


    Congratulations to our tennis players for becoming Monkwearmouth Cluster Champions. Although tennis is not one of our prominent Winter sports, the team played magnificently to come away with yet another trophy for our cabinet.

    Congratulations to our hockey players who qualified for the regional finals. They tried really hard, exhibited fantastic skills but were unfortunate not to come away with the trophy.


    This week Year 4 are performing at the Skipping Festival and Year 5 start their rehearsals for the Magic Weekend performance.
