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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Impressive Seaburn Dene Primary

    Mon 26 Jan 2015 M.Purdy

    Mrs Shaw's Visit

    Last week Mrs Shaw returned to SDPS with members of her staff to discuss our excellent Design Technology with Mrs Tough. She contacted me later to say that they were inspired by their discussion and have lots of new ideas to take into their school. At the same time she also commented as to how wonderful our school looked with the many vibrant displays of children's work.


    Darlington Teachers' Visit

    On Friday we hosted Mr Peacock and two teachers from two schools within the Carmel Education Trust to see how we teach writing and the exceptional standards our children reach. It was a delight to spend the morning discussing writing and the team returned to Darlington refreshed and ready to plan their next steps. It is a relationship I hope we can foster in the months to come.


    Marvellous Mathematicians

    This week we celebrate the achievements of those children who have made at least 3 sub stages of progress in maths during the Autumn term, whatever their starting point. Mr. Smith, who leads maths in the school, has issued parents with an invitation to Wednesday's award ceremony. Congratulations to the many children who will receive a certificate.


    School Council Tackle Policy Writing

    The School Council, guided by Mrs Taylor, are reviewing and revising the school's anti bullying policy. Rachel Jackson from the NSPCC has volunteered to support them in return for a fundraising project which they agreed to. This Tuesday she will be explaining the sponsored event to the children during assembly when they will receive the official forms to take home.


    Multiplication Workshops

    This week our workshops for parents move onto demystifying the many ways to teach multiplication. Last week parents from Years 1-4 enjoyed the addition and subtraction sessions but this week we are hoping that parents of children in Yrs 5 and 6 will also come along. The workshops last around half an hour and will help you to work with your child at home.


    Calling All Football Mad Dads

    We have been contacted by Usworth Colliery Primary School who are trying to set up a football tournament for dads' teams. If you are interested in being a player in a SDPS dads' squad please leave your name at the school office and we will keep you informed of any developments.


    Other Sporting Events

    There is a netball tournament after school on Wednesday and a swimming gala on Thursday afternoon.


    Assembly Theme

    This week our theme is education.

  • Karen Langtree's Recommended Reads

    Sun 25 Jan 2015 Mr Howe

    Here are our Patron of Reading, Karen Langtree's five must read books for children. How many have you read?


    Jill Murphy: Five Minutes Peace

    I love all the books about the Large family; a family of elephants who, in many ways, are just like us. This is my favourite because I love how poor Mrs. Large wants a bit of peace and quiet in the bath but ends up entertaining her children even in there! Poor old Mrs Large! I know how she feels!

    Eva Ibbotson: The Beasts of Clawstone Castle

    Eva Ibbotson has written many wonderful books, but I'm recommencing this one as it is based on a castle in Northumberland. It is a tale that sparkles with humour, about Madlyn and her brother Rollo who arrive at the crumbling castle owned by their uncle George. They decide that they need to take action to save the castle from ruin. With the help of a team of homeless ghosts they hatch a plan to get the money rolling in from tourists. But they have to also save the mysterious white beasts from a sinister scientist ....

    Louis Sachar: There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom

    Louis Sachar is really famous for 'Holes' (another brilliant read), but this book is funny and sad all at once. The story of Bradley, a bit of a misfit in school. Bradley tells lies and picks fights. No one likes him, except Carla. Carla tries to help Bradley believe in himself. This book helps you understand things from someone else's point of view, as well as making you laugh too.

    Morris Gleitzman: Once, Then and Now

    Okay, so I've cheated a bit here. This is actually 3 books. I've chosen them because they really inspired me. Written from the point of view of a Jewish boy called Felix they tell of his fight for survival through out the Second World War in Poland. I love reading about people's stories of hope from the war. You can learn so much about the time and about how people felt and survived.

    Michelle Magorian: Goodnight Mister Tom

    This has to be on my top ten books of all time list. After reading this book I went on read all Michelle's other books and I recommend them all. But this one leaves an impression on your soul that you will never forget. But it comes with a health warning: You will shed some tears (yes, even you boys!) Again, this is set during the Second World War, but this time it is about an evacuee called Willie, who goes (to escape the bombing in London) to live in the country, with an old man called Mister Tom. You will meet some memorable characters and be prepared for heart wrenching moments.

  • Request for donations!

    Thu 22 Jan 2015 S Baker

    Do you, or any of your family or friends, have any spare wool they could donate to the school?  We are planning a craft activity for our Mothers & Daughters Night on the 11th February but need lots of wool for it! It doesn't have to be large quantities and in an ideal world it would be double knit or thicker. Any colour will be accepted, but the brighter the better! Any donations will be gladly accepted in the school office.

  • Our Patron of Reading...

    Mon 19 Jan 2015 M. Purdy

    is in the building, and currently working with Years 4 and 5. Karen Langtree will be attached to our school all year and beyond so today is her introductory day. She is very excited to be working with our school and we are thrilled to have an opportunity to have Karen as our Patron of Reading.


    With Burns Night on Sunday our assembly theme this week is Scotland and stories from Scotland.


    The response to a potential Mums and Daughters evening was so positive that we are planning the event for the evening of Wednesday 11th February. Staff are planning a wonderful evening for you so keep an eye on our website for further details as they are confirmed.


    News just in that twelve Yr 5 pupils will train to be Young Leaders in Sport on Thursday this week. Mr. Ashton is sending details out as quickly as possible. The football team are playing on Thursday after school. We all hope they dig deep to put on a credible performance.


    On Friday Mr. Peacock and three other colleagues from Darlington schools will be spending the morning with us to look at our outstanding writing. They will observe the children in action, talk to staff and look at children's books. We hope, that by visiting us, they will take away lots of ideas to use in their schools.


    And finally, on Friday afternoon Year 3 will be presenting their class assembly. The audience always enjoy it when a class leads the assembly and we hope that some Year 3 parents are able to join us too.



  • Our Brilliant Behaviour Rewarded

    Mon 12 Jan 2015 Miss M. Purdy

    This week is a celebration of our very good behaviour. In their verbal feedback, the OFSTED inspectors described some of our behaviour as "astonishing", it is simply that good! On Tuesday all those children who have not been on tracking at all during the Autumn term will receive a certificate to say "well done". And if there are any children disappointed not to receive the certificate, then they have a perfect opportunity to make a fresh start this term. Coincidentally, the assembly theme this week is all about making changes.


    This week staff will receive training in becoming an Action Research school so that we can reflect on the way we teach to consider extending our skills and approaches to make learning even more engaging for children. We have our new curriculum in place so, in the time before the Summer break, we will be working to improve our approach to teaching some of the statutory topics so that learning is even better in 2015-16.


    Clubs will start again this week. There will be a few changes to the Autumn schedule so please look out for letters from Mrs Baker and other staff.

  • A New Year, A New Website

    Mon 05 Jan 2015 Miss Purdy

    Happy New Year and welcome to our brand new website. Keep up to date with all our latest news by visiting several times a week.


    This week our assembly theme is Epiphany, taking a look at traditions in other European countries. Did you know that, in Italy, the sheets of a lasagne served to celebrate Epiphany represent the cloth in which the baby Jesus was wrapped?


    Lucinda and Godfrey, the schools PHSE scheme of work will be the focus for the first week throughout the school before new R.E., history and geography topics begin. 


    This week staff will begin exploring the new Primary Assertive Mentoring spelling system. Spelling is one of the 4 key areas we are targeting for improvement this year so we will let you know how the scheme changes the good work already taking place.


    And welcome back Sam Laing (Dr. Bike). This is the third year Sam has worked with us and will be his last as the school completes the three year programme.


