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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • The Heat is On!

    Mon 29 Jun 2015 M. Purdy


    It Could be a Scorcher

    Forecasters are predicting a scorching hot week in the South with some heat reaching us by Wednesday. Whilst it is wonderful to feel and see the sun, we have had so little of it this year that we can all take two simple precautions to stay sun safe.

    • First of all please provide a hat or cap for your child
    • Secondly, cover them in suncream. There are some very good long-lasting products for children in the shops but advice is that a thick layer is required in the first instance.


    Today's Visitor

    Today I have a very good friend visiting our school and talking to some of the children. It is Sister Francis Anne, a Church of England nun who is originally from the glorious Caribbean islands of Turks and Caicos, formally from Walsingham and now lives in Chiswick. I know that Years 4 and 5 are to ask her some questions about life as a nun but I am sure they will find she is as fun loving as the rest of us! Welcome Sister Francis Anne.



    On Thursday morning several of our teachers will be absent. Throughout the past year they have been undertaking action research to discover ways to further improve teaching and will be presenting their findings to teachers from other schools. We intend to become and Action Research school as a way of making teaching and learning even better at Seaburn Dene so other staff will be posing a question and researching it next year. Mr. Howe will be explaining part of his findings at the Meet and Greet in September.

  • Transition Week Is Here

    Mon 22 Jun 2015 M. Purdy

    We've All Moved Up

    It may be cold with downpours this week, yet it is that time in the Summer term when we all move up into our new classes. There was great excitement this morning as children moved classes with their trays in hand to begin working with their new teachers. The children in Year 6 who are going to Monkwearmouth are experiencing their new school for a whole week so the other children in Year 6 children are enjoying some down time, working with Mrs Cruddas in Year 2.


    Year 3 Present A Superb Assembly.

    Thank you to Year 3 who taught us all amazing geographical facts during their very entertaining class assembly. Every person in the class spoke with confidence and their rendition of the Status Quo song had us rocking in the aisles. Thank you Miss Seel.


    Year 4 Weekend at Derwent Hill


    The question is......what does it take to wake Jamie up?


    On Friday a large group of Year 4 children left school by coach with Mrs Smith and Mr. Howe for an adventurous weekend away at Derwent Hill. You can see some photographs in the Year 4 gallery. Children really challenged themselves to overcome fears and difficulties with heights, water etc to have a very successful weekend. That is apart from the faulty fire alarm that rang several times during the night on Saturday. Exhausted after the day's activities, it was almost impossible to wake children up with staff having to carry some and others refusing to leave the warmth of their bed. All's well that ends well with a full day of activity on Sunday. A few early nights are definitely needed this week!


    Podium Position for our Athletes

    Last Tuesday a group of elite athletes from Years 3 and 4 took part in the city's Quad Kids Athletics meet.  Each member of our team performed fantastically well to achieve a team third place. This week sees the athletic Olympics at Monkwearmouth so fingers crossed for a dry day!


    Choir Performance

    Today we have been asked to learn three songs by Revd Child to perform on 3rd July as part of St. Peters' celebrations. Distinguished guests will be in the congregation so Mr. Dawson will be working hard on Mondays and Fridays for the next 10 days. Not much time to perfect them but I am certain choir and Drama Club will shine as always.


    Computing Update

    The new tablets have arrived so teachers will be trained in their use and care next Wednesday. After that, classes will have access to them to support their work. Miss Brunton had a trial session with her class resulting in the internet crashing. let's hope it's a coincidence rather than a technical glitch.


    New Curriculum Topics

    We are continuing our work on the new topics for the next two years so information will be uploaded about next term's learning very soon. It's a long, arduous but fascinating task and I am thoroughly enjoying my own learning as I investigate different approaches to the various themes.





  • Wonderful Week

    Mon 15 Jun 2015 M. Purdy


    Shakespeare Rocks

    The school hall was at full capacity as the prologue music began. From this moment the audience rocked with laughter as the members of Drama Club presented their hilarious and highly skilful musical play. Congratulations to everyone involved-it was yet another amazing performance.

    T-shirts are on sale for £14 for those children who would like a souvenir of their dedication and talents. Enjoy the photos in the gallery.


    Sports Day

    Yet again the weather held, the sun shone and our Sports Day and Family Picnic was thoroughly enjoyed by children and adults alike. Congratulations particularly to Mr. Ashton as this was his first experience of organising our special day and it went like clockwork. We have also identified some very talented athletes as well as children who showed determination and resilience as they refused to give up until they ran, hopped, skipped or slurped past the finishing line.

  the middle of it all I was called into school as an "exam" inspector arrived to check we had everything in place for the Year 1 phonics test. She was very happy with our security and systems.


    Coming up this week:


    Tuesday-Year 5 will be taking a day long bike ride with Mark from Sustrans and Miss Brunton. The forecast is dry, cloudy and warmer so remember your drink bottle.


    Thursday- Year 6 will be spending the afternoon at Monkwearmouth preparing for their transition into secondary school.

    There will be a full Governor's meeting on Thursday.


    Friday-Year 4 depart for their long weekend at Derwent Hill.

    Year 3-class assembly.


    And Next Week all the school move up into their next class. New experiences ahead everyone.




  • Big Event Week

    Mon 08 Jun 2015 M. Purdy

    Shakespeare Rocks

    This is the week that Drama Club will be presenting their play to parents so every day will be a rehearsal day! (You won't see me at the gate this week-apologies). Last Wednesday evening was the first time we were able to have the cast together as the term has been full of netball matches, trips away and SATs of course. However, we are in full flow and should be ready for Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. Tickets are free to the whole school community so just call the office to have them reserved and we'll make sure seats are put out for you.


    Sports Day

    Sports Day is one of my favourite days of the year as it's wonderful to see our families enjoying a day outdoors cheering on all the children. The weather forecast is looking great for Thursday..fingers crossed. Events kick off at 10.30am and we usually finish at 2.30pm. Children need to be registered immediately after the lunch break and return to their classrooms at the end of the sporting events to sort out the class, clothes and equipment before they are handed over to you. We have our very popular bouncy castle and bungee run too. Classes are timetabled for these.


    Year 1

    Year 1 presented a very informative assembly about Buddhism on Friday and projected their voices really well. It's always nerve racking in such a big hall but they rose to the occasion so well done all of you. Thank you to parents and grandparents for coming along to support the children-it means so much to them.


    Tomorrow is the Year 1 class trip to Raby Castle so I will be looking forward to hearing all about castle life.


    Curriculum Development

    From Friday, for a week, Mr Howe will be working with me on developing new engaging topics for Curriculum 2014. This is work I thoroughly enjoy as there are so many exciting resources out there to help children to make sense of their world. Topics may include themes such as Volcanoes and Earthquakes(Yrs 5&6), Australia (Yr 2). From the basic topics usually based on geography and history, Mr. Howe and I will be looking at where we can tie in other subjects to the topic and what needs to be taught separately. It's a great challenge for us!



  • The First Week Of Summer

    Mon 01 Jun 2015 Miss Purdy


    School Success

    In the week before the half term holiday the school was assessed for the Primary Quality Mark by Mrs Dutton. She looked in depth at our teaching of English, maths and computering, spoke to parents, a governor, staff  and children and toured the school. She described her afternoon with us as "inspiring" having informed us that we have achieved the standards for the award. Thank you to everyone who gave up their time to present their points of view about our school. 


    Welcome to....

    Miss Jenny Hastings who started work today in the Foundation Stage Unit. Miss Hastings is our very first apprentice in training so we hope she finds her year with us a fulfilling experience.


    Congratulations to....

    Mrs Kaye out in scorching Dubai. Mrs Kaye will become head of year in her Dubai school in the new academic year so she has clearly had the same wonderful impact on her school as she made at Seaburn Dene.


    Year 6 at Derwent Hill

    Throughout the week before the half term holiday we enjoyed reading the blogs from the Yr 6 children who spent the week at Derwent Hill. The week was physically very challenging, beginning with a hill walk so everyone was exhausted by the time they returned home. We received many compliments about our children's exceptionally good behaviour and attitude too so well done to you all.


    A special note to the Yr 6 children who stayed in school during the week. This exclusive group worked on a personal topic and helped staff too. Their behaviour and attitude was also excellent.


    The Book Fair...

    has arrived and will open this evening. Please see the information below, posted by Mrs Baker, for precise details.


    Shakespeare Rocks

    Drama Club will be presenting their lively, humorous musical production next Wednesday at 6.30pm. This week will be the first time we have all been able to rehearse together so there's a huge amount of work to do before we perform. We can do it!


    Sports Day and Family Picnic

    Next Thursday (11th) is our annual Sports Day and Family Picnic. We never seem to have a heatwave for our Sports Day but we push ahead unless the conditions are so slippery that it is dangerous. The long range forecast is 15 degrees and a possible shower.


    The carousel activities will begin at 10.30am and the formal races in the afternoon. This year we have our very popular bouncy castle and bungee run at 50p a go. I know families (and staff) enjoy competing against each other in the bungee run so be prepared to be catapulted back to the starting block!


    Sunscreen and Hats

    Although the weather remains rather chilly and damp, at some point this half term we hope for and expect some Summer weather. Please be prepared for this by having a hat and sunscreen available for your child before a heatwave descends. I remember Sports Day two years ago when it was sunny but chilly. Several staff and lots of children were burnt to a crisp so, with this in mind, let's be prepared.



