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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Happy New Year and Welcome Back

    Fri 16 Dec 2016 M. Purdy

    In which we welcome...

    Mrs Alison Dutton, a very experienced teacher who will be working at SDPS for 4 days a week this term. Mrs Dutton is going to work with individuals and small groups to help children to make the very best progress in the basic skills of speaking, reading, writing and maths.


    Miss Jennifer Bell our new office apprentice. Miss Bell will be a huge help to our overstretched office staff and will also support the teaching staff by undertaking many admin tasks such as photocopying.


    Mr Tony McNally, a former head of music in a Sunderland school who will replace Mr Dawson in the teaching of music on a Friday. We look forward to working with a new music professional in 2017.


    Mr. Robin Wilson, a retired Drama and PE teacher who is passionate about hockey. A member of the England Over 60s team competing in Australia recently, Mr. Wilson will be introducing hockey to Years 3 and 4 building up skills so that in 2018 we can enter school competitions. I am certain the children will be enthused and excited each week.




    Date Event What do parents need to do...
    1oth Jan Author Chris Lloyd returns to lead a science and engineering day Chris will be available after school to sign any books you buy
    Feb Half term-Science Challenge Project for Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Further details soon-children will have half term to begin to plan their presentations.
    2nd March World Book Day-our focus will be Victorian and Edwardian children's classics

    Bring out the Victorian fancy dress from last year to dress as a character from one of the classic novels.


    Bring your child along for stories at bedtime.

    8th and 9th March Parents' Evenings Come along to find out how much progress your child is making
    16th March Science Fair Yrs 4, 5 & 6 The entries will make their presentations and you may come along to see their work and support them as the results are announced.
    23rd March Shakespeare Day-we will be celebrating the bard's work throughout the school N/A


  • Friends Group News

    Mon 12 Dec 2016 S Baker

    Our Christmas Fayre at the end of November was a great success, raising just over £1,000! Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and effort. As you know Santa was unable to come along to the Fayre so we have arranged an Evening with Santa on Thursday 15th December, 5.30pm to 8pm. Parents can book a slot to bring their children to see Santa (£2.50 per child) and whilst they wait with the children we will have a Christmas film showing on the big screen, as well as a craft table for those who fancy being creative! Hot chocolate and other refreshments will be on sale as well as Christmas Tattoos!! Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult.


    Reminder that December Mix Ups will be handed out this Friday and money should be in for Wednesday.


    We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year! 

  • Ding Dong Merrily on High!

    Fri 09 Dec 2016 M. Purdy

    Everyone's a Star in Starlight

    Years 1 and 2 presented the wonderful Starlight to the school and their families last week. It was truly beautiful with amazing acting and melodic singing. The professional photographs by Duncan from Picture This Photography added a celebrity touch to the event and we all left the hall with smiles and a warm heart.


    We Say Goodbye to Mr. Dawson

    On Friday we sadly said farewell to Mr. Dawson who has taught music across the whole school and science to some classes. Mr. Dawson has so many commitments supporting schools in Newcastle and Northumberland as well as inspecting schools for OFSTED, that he simply could not find the time to continue his marvellous work at SDPS. We will miss his lively lessons but will welcome his colleague, Mr. McNally, in January.


    Give Children the Gift of a Diary This Christmas

    The National Literacy Trust is calling on all parents, families and anyone buying a gift for a child or young person this Christmas to think about the gift of a diary and encourage children to get writing.


    Research carried out in 2015 has found that children who keep a diary are twice as likely to write above their expected level for their age. Not only that, but they can write about anything so it's a great way to get them excited about writing. Jacqueline Wilson, an active campaigner for diary writing has created a diary to buy. It is available at Amazon for £3.85 but is far more suitable for girls. Diaries for boys seem to be far more creative with locks, secret pens and keys and are more expensive, but exciting too.


    And finally all that's left for me to say is.....

    I hope you all have a magical and peaceful Christmas followed by a happy 2017.





  • In which we head full throttle into Christmas

    Mon 05 Dec 2016 M. Purdy

    An Advent of Kindness

    The School Council have been working with Mr. Howe on the school's mission and vision. They have asked to have the word "kind" as one of the words defining who we are so throughout December we are having an advent of kind deeds.


    This week our kind acts are:


    Monday-help a teacher to tidy up before break or lunchtime.

    Tuesday-wish the dinner staff good morning.

    Wednesday-help a classmate with their homework or reading.

    Thursday-do your homework straight after school without an adult asking you to do it.

    Friday-tell a teacher how much you appreciate what they teach.


    Learning About A Victorian Christmas

    Do you remember our Dickensian themed week in March? So many of our Christmas traditions have their origins from the time of Queen Victoria's reign that this week we are discovering all about how Victorians celebrated Christmas. I know that Year 6 are focusing on "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and today's assembly will be the story of "The Little Match Girl, also written at that time.



    A reminder that the school's Christingle service led by Rev Child takes place in the school hall on Thursday morning. Adults are very welcome to join us.


    Christmas Fayre

    This year the Christmas Fayre raised a magnificent £950.77. Thank you once again for all your support in making this a very successful event, raising valuable funds for the benefit of your children. The slots for our Evening With Santa event on 15th December  is selling out fast so don't leave it until the last minute. There are slots available from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and it's only £2.50 for a memorable, magical time.


    Change of Party Date

    Just to remind parents that the Year 5 and 6 party will now take place on Tuesday 15th December so that, on Monday, our very youngest children in nursery and Reception can sing to their parents around our beautiful Christmas tree.
