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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Growing confident learners

    Sun 09 Feb 2020 Mr J Howe

    As part of our development of Seaburn Dene's curriculum, we are very much focused on developing pupil confidence and seeing themselves as an active learner,. whose experiences - in school and out - contribute to developing their essential character. I have been working with staff to help them to enable pupils to learn effectively by looking at latest thinking on how children learn and helping them to devise lessons which maximise learning for improved effectiveness.


    Our staff are intent on delivering a curriculum which will explain the skills and knowledge that we want children to have at particular points in their primary life. However, the implementation of that curriculum is evolving to ensure we use tools, schemes and techniques which have the maximum impact, so that children know more as they move through our school.


    Knowledge is useful to our children when it is secured in their long-term memory. In this part of the brain it can be built upon, connections can be made and skills enhanced. The skill of the teacher is to provide the correct amount of information in a memorable way and repetitively in order that it will be remembered meaningfully. We call this "sticky knowledge." Information needs to be presented in different ways so that it can be managed by a child independently and in different contexts. Skills need to be practiced in order to be mastered.


    Although the school day may seem like a long one sometimes, it is in fact a very short period to get the coverage and repetition needed for secure understanding. This is clear, as we are trying to fill it with as much learning as possible. This is the reason why practice at home is key to success in schoolwork and particularly for learning facts. It is clear that the more we practice anything, the better we will get at it and with this in mind, I ask you to help us and your child as often as possible with embedding knowledge and skills into memory.

    You can help by:


    • Reading everyday with your child and discussing books you share together. These don’t need to be stories, you can use any form of age-appropriate literature.
    • Help with learning phonics and spellings.
    • Read around school topics online or through a visit to a local library or museum. You should know the topics being studied in school from the termly overviews.
    • Promote learning apps at home: Times Tables Rock Stars, Numbots, Oxford Reading Buddy.
    • Get your child to show you what they have been learning at school and explain it to you or to demonstrate a maths/ calculation. Class Dojo is useful for prompting this discussion.
    • Support homework tasks by allowing your child to do these independently but by showing an interest


    Please see class teachers if you have questions about what your child is learning and the methods we use in school. 



    Letters have been sent home this term with children who are classed as persistent absentees. These children have attendance so far this school year which is below 90%. Our aim is for every child to attend school for at least 96% of the school year.  This ensures they can make good progress in their learning and achieve the best they can academically. Missing school has a massive impact on learning. Please do your best to ensure your child attends school every single day so that we don't have any persistent absentees by the end of the school year.  

    Thank you for your support with this.   

  • Find Your Brave

    Sun 02 Feb 2020 Mr J Howe

    Children's Mental Health Week

    We know that life is all about taking small, brave steps and we see that every week in school. Bravery could be about sharing worries and asking for help when you need it, trying something new or making the right choices. Today, in assembly, I will be using the example of Matilda (Roald Dahl) who showed bravery to stand up to all the adults in her life to do what was right. She is a fantastic role model - in many (not all) ways - to children about finding their brave - a quality which we encourage of all our children.


    Operation Encompass Drop In Session

    As part of our partnership with Sunderland City Council and Northumbria Police, on a  project named Operation Encompass, The Next Steps, which aims to form part of a wider strategy to break the cycle of Domestic Abuse through education and support.

    The project helps students learn the importance of friendships, relationships, emotions and rules so they can live and work together safely.

    Our school also benefits from having a School Safeguarding Liaison Officers, Alex Hillery, who has delivered age appropriate material on domestic abuse, friendships, relationships and emotions.

    She is also available in school for an arranged drop in session so that parents can talk about issues they may have around relationships and domestic abuse.

    There is drop in session in school from 8.30am tomorrow (MON). If you would like to take advantage of this please report to the Main Visitors Reception from 8.30am where a member of staff will show you to the designated room. This will be done with as much confidentiality as possible and children will have an area where they will be cared for.


    Seaburn Dene Scroll of Honour

    Thanks to Mr Good for suggesting the idea - but it is always been a passion of mine to celebrate and demonstrate our students learning beyond the classroom. There is so much talent squeezed into our school, that in order to build on it - we need to share it. Today, in assembly, I will start to celebrate some of the achievements sent to me via Class Dojo, that are children have achieved beyond the school gates. From sport, to conquering their fears and the outdoors - it is a long list, which has already added to what we know is happening after school and at weekends. Please email your child's photograph and some details to me via


