As this is my first entry in the headteacher’s diary, I couldn’t really go any further, than talk about how packed summer seems to be at our school. Everywhere I look, right at this moment – children are exploring the grounds armed with magnifying glasses with our RSPB visitors, carrying ukuleles to the hall, dribbling basketballs on the yard, sharing a novel with Bark and Read: it’s a whirlwind. To truly appreciate the wealth of opportunities are children are enjoying and engaged in, summer term has to be the place to start.
This week sees many of our Y6+ return from their transition week at Monkwearmouth Academy. The feedback has been excellent, “fantastic ambassadors for Seaburn Dene” was the message from across the lawn and quite rightly we are proud of that (the children always rise to the challenge.) While they return, classmates continue their transition journey to Whitburn CofE Academy and St Robert of Newminster RC. I am sure they will impress in their new surroundings, as they have at Seaburn Dene.
Elsewhere, the children have settled into their new surroundings, accepting the challenge of our own transition and the comments from parents/carers from our Meet and Greet were really gratifying, reminding myself and staff that families truly appreciate what we as a school are doing.
IN THE WEEK AHEAD...........
On Monday, Y3 will visit a Naval Heroes exhibition, as part of the Tall Ships, at Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens.
On Tuesday, the KS2 SAT results will be released.
We will all be heading to the Sunderland Empire Theatre on Wednesday morning for the Big Sing – an attempt to break the world record for the most people singing at one time, an event inspired by the Tall Ships Race, followed by a Tall Ships picnic lunch back at school.
On Wednesday, all school reports will be sent out with children – please look out for these.
Children from our Yr 5, 6 and 6+ classes are heading out on their amazing reward trip to York on Thursday This will include a bus to the National Railway Museum, followed by picnic lunch and matinee performance of MacBeth at a pop-up recreation of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and village, next to Clifford Tower.
This week our value is: KINDNESS.
We have been sharing this thought with children, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure, without any loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill.