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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • And finally ...

    Wed 20 Jul 2016 M. Purdy


    Rob, one of the managers of Seaburn Junior football team, popped into school last week. As all of the players had grown up and moved on, he was left with excess money from years of fees. Rob and his colleagues decided that local schools would make best use of it so they have donated £500 for the school to spend as we wish. The money will enable us to have Chris Lloyd back in school to run science timeline workshops so we have booked Chris for January.


    Thank you to everyone involved in the decision to donate the money to school-it is very much appreciated and will provide a very special learning treat.


    iGROW CHILDREN'S CLUB- An opportunity for children from Rev Andrew Watson:


    Dear Parent or Carer



    is a children’s club that meets every Monday evening from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm during term time

    at St Andrew’s Church, Roker.


    We share in a variety of activities, including cooking, crafts, sports, games and other assorted activities.


    It is led by a caring and dedicated team of 7 people from the Parish of Monkwearmouth.


    We now have 5 spaces available for children of Key Stage 2 age to join us from Monday 12th September.


    If you would like more information on the club or your child would like to join then please call or email Val

    at the Parish Office as soon as possible.  


    We will need you to complete some simple consent forms to enable us to register your child as a member.



    telephone: 0191 516 0135 (mon-fri 9.00am-1.00pm)


  • Year 6 Superstars

    Mon 18 Jul 2016 M. Purdy


    The audience cheered and applauded and, occasionally wiped a tear away as, on Friday afternoon, Year 6 performed a hilarious, top quality cameo of life in a primary school. This Year 6 are superstars. They have risen to the challenge of more demanding SATs, they have set an excellent standard in terms of behaviour and diligence and we will miss them. You can read about their superb results by clicking this link and downloading the Publisher document.


    All children received a certificate but the winners of the individual trophies are:


    The Headteacher's Award for Citizenship-Leo

    For Progress and Achievement in English-Grace

    For Progress and Achievement in Maths-James

    For Progress and Achievement in Science and Technology-Katie

    For Progress and Achievement in Music and Drama-Lloyd and Angel

    For Progress and Achievement in Art-Jessica

    For Progress and Achievement in PE and Games-Adam

    For Progress and Achievement in Humanities-Lily

    Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement-Dan

    Parents' Group Award-Emily


    We wish each and every one of the children moving into secondary school great joy in their learning and happiness in their lives.



    This week we also say goodbye to Mr. Edwards who has successfully completed his teacher training in Year 4. Mr. Edwards has flourished during the past year and we wish him well for the future. We'd like to thank him for all his hard work too-he has become a much valued and appreciated member of our team and we will miss him.



    We've had the best results ever in the Year 1 National phonics Screen. Read about it by downloading the Superstars document. Click here.



    Please avoid taking term time holidays leading up to and during the following weeks:

    Year 6 Sats in 2017 will be in the week beginning 8th May

    Year 1 Phonics Screening Check-Week of 12th June


    Term time holidays negate all the interventions we provide in school. During a 2 week holiday your child will miss:

    • At least 10 English lessons
    • At least 10 Maths lessons



    There's nothing smarter than a group of children in the correct uniform. It creates a sense of community within school and an identity to the outside world.


    I've noticed that quite a few of our children are wearing trainers to school. It is a little understandable towards the end of the school year, but is not acceptable in September. Please ensure your children are equipped with leather shoes as in the uniform specification. Boots are for outdoor wear only and not part of the uniform.



  • The Final Countdown

    Mon 11 Jul 2016 Miss Purdy


    On Wednesday last week we were all treated to extracts from the musical play "Olivia". Drama Club, as always, rose to the challenge of a very demanding script to bring us a wonderful show. It was a real luxury for me to sit back, relax and enjoy the event as I have been producing plays since early in my career. Well done to the three members of staff-Mrs Taylor, Mrs Houston and Mr. Howe and  huge thank you to Mrs Howard and Mrs Rallis for the impressive scenery. Click here to view the photographs.



    It was silver at the Monkwearmouth School Olympics meet on Thursday. This is an improvement on last years' team bronze so we're going for gold in 2017! Congratulations to our neighbours, Fulwell Juniors for their first place success.



    Developing historical skills and knowledge

    Inspired by author Chris Lloyd's visit back in March this year, we now have a "What On Earth?" board in the main hall. Each week a pair of children set a question from the poster and the following week will draw a winner from the answers slips. Question and answers will be found in the history curriculum section of our website

    The first week question set by James and Vinny was: How many people died on the Titanic? and the answer over 1500. Lily's slip was drawn first and she selected a coloured pencil set for her prize.



    Learning about British culture and traditions

    Bev and Ray Langton travelled all the way from Shrewsbury to lead two days of Morris Dancing workshops. What a wonderful time we had. We discovered that Morris Dancing is energetic, requires really good listening skills to follow instructions and great fun for boys and girls. Here is an extract from an email Bev sent over the weekend@


    We thoroughly enjoyed our two days. The children were delightful! Superbly behaved, wonderfully enthusiastic and achieved a great deal in such a short time. Please do pass on our compliments to the children and also to the staff.


    Thank you to everyone who came onto the playground on Friday to watch the display. Photos should be loaded into our Gallery very soon. Click here for the link.



    <font face="Times New Roman" size="3">On Saturday I braved the drizzle to travel to Bishop Auckland to see the magical and magnificent Kynren. It is stunning and astounding. Think of the opening of London 2012 - it's even more spectacular. It's described as an "epic tale of England" but it has a much appreciated North Eastern slant to that story. The audience ranged from 5 year olds to senior citizens but all gave the performance a standing ovation. It really is worth seeing. I would recommend it for 8 years and older as there's a few loud bangs and it begins at 9.30pm when it becomes dark. Here's the website .</font>




  • Thank You

    Mon 04 Jul 2016 M. Purdy


    Sports Day

    Thank you for your enthusiastic support at our Sports Day and Family Picnic on Thursday. Whilst it wasn't the warmest of days, Thursday came after two very wet days when we began to wonder if we'd be able to go ahead. But thankfully, the breeze dried out the grass and what a wonderful time we all had.  Please click here to browse the few photographs I was able to lighten--the dark clouds left their imprint on most of the shots, but the children's smiles are the best possible commentary.


    Our thanks go out to the Friends for their hard work and determination in making the day extra special with warming drinks and essential snacks. Also to Gillian who provided her very popular curry, rice and chips and especially to Mr. Ashton for organising and managing the whole event. It gets better every year!


    Morris Dancing Workshops

    Learning about a British traditions as part of our Brilliantly British theme.

    On Thursday and Friday we welcome Bev and Ray Langton from Shrewsbury Morris Dancers. They will be leading workshops for all our classes then, on Friday afternoon before the children are dismissed, will organise a demonstration on the main playground so some of the children can show off their learning. We'll let you know the time on the website front page.


    Olympic Torch Run

    It's hard to imagine that it's four years since we last paraded the torch around the cluster schools! Seaburn Dene will start the run on Thursday at 9.10am then the torch will arrive back at 11,20am, carried by a team from Fulwell Infant School. During the afternoon our very talented athletics team will be taking part in the cluster Olympic tournament-Mr. Ashton will send out details to the families of the children chosen for the team.


    Bark and Read

    Building confidence in reading aloud

    Robbie, the very young and handsome golden retriever belonging to Nicky and Gil Crossley, spent a very calm Friday afternoon listening to children reading stories. He's going to be a regular in school and has already become a bigger celebrity than Tom Hiddleston! It doesn't matter how many strokes and cuddles he gets from children, he is patient and loves the attention. Thank you Nicky and Gil, but particularly Robbie. See our Twitter account for a gorgeous photograph @SDPS13

