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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Week beginning 31st May 2021

    Mon 31 May 2021 Mr J Howe

    Unfortunately, this morning I have had to contact parents regarding a positive Covid case in Y4.
    I have closed this class bubble and asked all children to remain home and self isolate until the evening of Monday, June 7th - 10 days after the last contact with the positive case. Returning to school, after half term, on Tuesday, June 8th. This includes staff members.
    This message is for information only, but serves to remind us that the virus is still out there and we need to remain vigilant.
    In the event that you or your child test positive for Covid over the half-term, I would just like to draw your attention to the contact details (on the homepage of our website under "Covid 19 Information".). I can be contacted via email: or via direct message on Class Dojo. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Headteacher's Week - 24.05.21

    Wed 26 May 2021 Mr J Howe

    “Rain, Rain, go away, Come again another day.”


    The weather has caused us problems this week, leading to a little flexible working and some difficult conditions, but whatever the weather we can be proud of the fact that our Yr 6/5 group were able to take part in the Derwent Hill residential this year and the rest of the school are outside: as often as possible. School is about learning, encouraging our children to dream big, but equally about making memories - and this is one of those enduring memories that will follow a child through the life. The smiles tell us all we need to know about the value of outdoor learning. That value will be reinforced tomorrow when we hold our own Outdoor Learning Day, with our Reception class heading off to our beach. 



    Today was my first face-to-face assembly for children in YRs 1, 2 and 4 - for 14 months. It was such a pleasure to be able to share an assembly in person, rather than on Google Meet.
    My assembly was inspired by the book "Kids Fight Plastic" and how our children can make a difference to the environment in just two minutes. We talked about what action they - with the support of you - could make, of course this is brought into sharper focus when we consider our proximity to the sea and the fact that experts think that by 2050 there will be more plastic in our seas and oceans than fish. 


    Non-uniform day/Thank you

    Friday is a non-uniform day, with either a gift/bottle - for a summer raffle/class fair which will be held before the end of term. Thank you to all who helped raised £365.50 for the Book Trust with our pyjamarama this year. 


    Seaburn Inn

    A huge congratulations to Tyler and Sisi in Yr 6, whose name: Poseidon's Play Place, was chosen by The Inn Collection Group for the play area at the Seaburn Inn. The group's managing director Sean Donkin said, of the entries,  "We were absolutely over the moon with all the suggestions that came in - what a creative bunch of pupils there are at your school."

    Tyler said, "We are studying Ancient Greece and since the Seaburn Inn is next to the sea, we came up with the idea of Poseidon's Play Place because we learnt in history that he was the god of sea."

    Sisi added, "We were surprised and happy and we are really looking forward to visiting."

    The two are now due to visit the new hotel, after half term as part of their prize.



    Are children are outside in all weather. Please send them in with suitable coats. While we have some we can lend, on wet days this demand has been quite high - with children coming into school without appropriate coats, or in some cases, no coats at all.

  • Headteacher's Update - 17.05.21

    Mon 17 May 2021

    Government's Roadmap and changes in school

    As of today, the children will notice very few changes inside school as we continue with the measures we have had in place throughout. Children will continue in their class bubbles for learning, outside play, assemblies and lunchtime. Bubbles will be maintained with additional cleaning taking place between the different year groups. We will be maintaining our staggered drop off and pick up routines, but we will be removing our request that parents wear face masks on the drop off and pick up runs, however this is done on the understanding that parents maintain social distancing while waiting for their children to be dismissed. Children will continue to be allowed to wear PE kits on the day but as a school, I would repeat that this is in line with the school PE dress code, as detailed below:

    For P.E. the children will require dark or navy shorts and a white T-shirt.

    Children also require trainers and may wear dark coloured jogging pants and long sleeved top, school PE hoody or plain tracksuit top for outdoor games.

    I have noticed some bright sportswear being worn to school on PE Days. Please ensure your child wears their PE T shirt (see above) with plain black or navy blue shorts, joggers or leggings and a school or plain hoodie or sweatshirt.


    Book Amnesty

    We are running a book amnesty  and we would be very grateful to receive back any Seaburn Dene Primary School books  - particularly our phonics reading books from Reception and current Year 1 - that you may find at home. Thank you again to those of you who have had a clear out recently and donated your good quality children’s books to us for our Pyjamarama Book Sale.


    Attendance Spike Winners

    Well done Yr 3 - our attendance winners for last week. 100% just can't be bettered, although Reception and Yr 4 ran them close with 98.7%. 


    Travel Tracker

    Our WOW Active Travel Tracker has revealed that this week, our most active classes were Y3 and Y1 at 100% (no car journeys directly to school.)
    Our top scooting class was Reception.
    Top cycling class was Y3.
    Top walking class was Y6/1.
    Top exercising at home class was Y3.
    Overall, Seaburn Dene has an 88% active journey to school rate this week.


    National Walk to School Week

    Next week is National Walk to School Week, so what better time to join in the Seaburn Dene Primary School Park and Stride challenge. Lots of our children have started to enjoy the benefits of walking, cycling or scooting to school - thanks to Travel Tracker, and they’re looking forward to receiving their badge if they travel sustainably to school once a week for a month.  So if you’re able, why not join in? It’s better for our health and better for the environment.


    Mental Health Week

    The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is connecting with nature which chimes quite well with National Walk to School Week.
    Please share any pictures of your child/children's scooting, cycling or walking to school with me or connecting with nature for improved mental health - email:
    for my attention.
    Here's Riley in Reception doing all above!

  • Week beginning 10th May 2021

    Sun 09 May 2021 Mr J Howe

    I hope you all had a really lovely long weekend. - despite Saturday's showers. Wherever I went there certainly seemed to be a lot of people walking around and enjoying the sunshine. 



    This week, we will be taking part in our very first Pyjamarama.

    On Friday, Seaburn Dene will be joining children around the country in spending the day enjoying and sharing stories - all in the comfort of their PJs - and donating £1 to BookTrust to help make sure every child gets their bedtime story.

    The Book Trust is the UK's largest reading charity and support 3.9 million children a year with books to help support a love of reading.

    On the day will be holding a used book sale, while children will start the day with a Breakfast Book Time - where teachers will share a story with the children while they enjoy breakfast treats.

    The suggested donation for the day is £2.50 - which includes a charity donation to BookTrust, a token for the book sale, pack of breakfast goodies to eat in class.

    We are still looking for donations of good quality children's books - particularly for our older children - which can be brought into school at any point up until Friday.


    Fundraising Update

    You can still join the Friends of Seaburn Dene Grow a Sunflower competition. Minimum donation of 10p to get a starter kit to grow your sunflower. We will ask for photographs over the summer term into the holidays to help chart the growth.

    There will be a non-uniform day on Friday, 28th May - with either a gift/bottle - for a summer raffle/class fair before the end of term. 

    Look out for our summer bunting challenge at half term.

    Work will start in two ball walls (basketball/football/cricket) for our main yard in the summer holidays. Funding for the ball walls (£3,500) has come from a combination of the Friends and Community Chest (£1,700) - thanks to the support of our new governor, James Doyle.


    Travel Tracker


    Seaburn Dene is encouraging all families to swap the school run for a school walk, helping children to feel happier and healthier and reducing congestion at the school gates and we have had an amazing response since we returned after lockdown.

    Last month, 76% of our school (165 children) earned their Travel Tracker badges for walking, scooting or cycling to school.  Last week, 95% or more of children in these classes (R, 1,2 and 6) travelled sustainably to school.

    For the 20/21 academic year we are taking part in WOW – the year-round walk to school challenge, from Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. WOW rewards children who walk to school at least once a week with a collectable badge each month.

    There are 11 badges to collect across the year and daily journeys are logged by pupils on the interactive Travel Tracker accessed through the school’s whiteboard in the classroom. 


    This week would have been the KS2 SATS week in a "normal" year. While we are still on a journey to gradually reinstating normality to school, assessments will be taking place in all year groups over from the week beginning May 17th. I am hoping as we move from May into June, we can begin to reintroduce aspects of school life, we have been missing for so long - assemblies etc.

    Unfortunately it is too early to plan a return to our traditional Sports Day and Family Picnic this year. While we are holding a Sports Day, planning for June 16th - this will be in class bubbles and we are awaiting guidance before we can advice on whether any parents will be allowed - socially distanced - to watch. 


    A small favour
    This is a short survey to look at our children's sport and activity levels outside of school.
    Please help us by completing this. Thanks.


