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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Celebrating Books-Sharing Stories

    Tue 20 Feb 2018 M. Purdy

    World Book Day...

    is on Thursday with a raft of activities taking place during the day. Mr. Howe has sent out all the details but here's a quick summary:


    For the whole week:

    • The library will open at 8.30am so families may enjoy sharing stories with their children.

    On Wednesday:

    • Our Patron of Reading, Karen Langtree, will be leading writing workshops with Yr 4 in the morning  Yr 2 in the afternoon.

    On Thursday:

    • It's a fancy dress day on the theme of nursery rhymes and fairy tales
    • In the evening there'll be our ever popular Stories at Bedtime.


    The Arctic Blast-Beast from the East

    Just when we thought Winter was over we are facing the coldest week of the year with "significant" snow expected. We are proud that we have never had to close due to poor weather but, at the same time, mindful that five teachers do not live locally and they need to be safe when travelling to school. However, there are plenty of staff living within walking distance to open up and supervise children until we arrive. At the moment we don't know how bad this snow and ice is going to be so please check phones during the days ahead just in case we have to cancel clubs.


    Governor Open Day

    We were delighted to welcome Reverend Child, Mr. Crossley and Mrs Beck into school last Thursday. As most of the classes were having a mapping day, Mr. Crossley in particular was impressed with the progress he saw from year to year. They commented on enthusiastic children and enthusiastic teachers then had a conversation with the School Council who were equally complimentary about the school. There were one or two suggestions made by the children that the Governors passed on and the Councillors explained their plastic straws campaign. All teachers and classes were visited, even my morning maths group! We are hoping to have another Governors' Open Day in the Summer term.


    School Excursions

    It's our belief that visiting museums, galleries, places of interest and having visitors coming to school makes learning so much more real and exciting for children. We try to keep the cost of our trips as low as possible but, occasionally, when hiring buses and engaging experts for workshops, the cost increases. It's a sad fact that our school is not able to pay for children but budgets are increasingly tight. Everything, from the cost of having our bins emptied to staff salaries, increases annually. 


    We therefore appeal to you to help us to meet that cost in whatever way you can. All contributions are voluntary so do not need to be the full amount charged. A recent excursion has brought this to our attention as we've struggled to cover the cost.  If the school continues to make losses on the cost of future trips we will have to limit excursions to Seaburn and the beach only, which is a great shame when we have such a wealth of regional resources.


    Magical Mystery Trip

    Don't forget that to achieve this end of year treat attendance needs to be at least 96%, uniform needs to be in green, which includes having PE in school for lessons, reading is expected to take place on 6 days out of 7 and behaviour and attitudes green across the year.


    PE Kit

    I've noticed an increasing number of children sitting at the side of PE lessons. PE is part of the National Curriculum so all children are expected to participate. Of course, if your child has a genuine medical reason (e.g broken or fractured limb, recent surgery) then exceptions are made. We would expect all children to have their kits in school between Monday and Friday, ensure they put their kits back in their bags (the amount of clothing and footwear abandoned in cloakrooms is astonishing) and take responsibility for their own clothing and equipment.



  • Champions again!

    Fri 09 Feb 2018 M. Purdy

    Football Success

    We finished the last half term on a high with our 5-a-side football team being crowned Sunderland champions. It was the first time in 39 years that the trophy was carried proudly into school.  A magnificent effort from our team who showed determination, even when the going got tough. A huge thanks to Mr. Traves and Mr. Ashton for the work they do in getting the best out of our players. The football championship follows on from successes in hockey, basketball and rugby, proving that the Sports Premium is making an amazing impact on the success of our sports teams.


    This term we are continuing to offer dance through the Sports Premium and are very lucky to have found Paul Allen who is really motivating even the most reluctant children. It's a marvel to watch. This half term Year 4 are beginning their training for the annual Yr 4 skipping tournament in which they skip their routines to music. 


    Yr 1 Trip to the Centre For Life

    Tomorrow (Tuesday 20th) Yr 1 will be spending their day in workshops at Newcastle's Centre for Life. They are learning about dinosaurs, fossils and Mary Anning.


    Please refer to the letter Mr. Ashton sent out before the half term holidays. 


    Governors' Day

    We are delighted to welcome any Governor to come into school to see us at work. As most of them work full time, we have nominated this Thursday as a special Open Day for Governors.


    Finding Your Way

    This week we are holding a special whole school map day. Children as young as nursery will be exploring maps, creating routes for characters in stories then, as we move through the school, there will be a clear development in skills so that, by Year 6, children are able to use 6 figure c-ordinates to locate features and places. If you would like to support your child's learning in map skills, now or in the future, then exploring OS maps, maps of holiday resorts, globes and world maps are all super activities.


    World Book Day 

    World Book Day is one of the most exciting events of our school year with Mr. Howe organising lots of special activities. I was very excited when my costume arrived during the holidays. I won't have long to wait as World Book Day is next Thursday 1st March. Just to remind you that the theme is nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Robbie, our gorgeous Bark and Read dog has a very special costume to wear too-but it's a big secret! 


    Time Tables Competition

    What a thrilling event this proved to be! Well done to Mr. Smith for organising it and congratulations to Griffin House in achieving the highest score to win the cup.


    Spelling Bee and Mastermind SR6


    As the time tables inter-house challenge was so exciting, we have two further inter-house competitions planned to allow other children to show off their expertise. On Thursday 29th March (the last day of this term) there will be a Spelling Bee organised by Mr. Howe. Once again children will represent their houses but there will also be spot prizes for the audience.


    And on Thursday 28th June we are holding an inter-house Mastermind SR6. Children representing their houses will  asked 10 questions from their learning this year along with 10 questions  about capital cities. 



  • Keeping Children Safe Online

    Mon 05 Feb 2018 M. Purdy

    Safer Internet Day

    Although we believe that every day is a safer internet day at Seaburn Dene, we will be doing extra work with children as to how to keep themselves safe, including assemblies. The materials we will be using will be mainly taken from The Safer Internet Day website and the NSPCC. 


    It's hard for us all to keep up with the changes in technology and the new forums and games children use so I would recommend that parents take a little time during half term to look at the materials for parents and carers. Here is the link: There are lovely conversation starters to talk about safety, respect and well being online so it's a very positive approach to your discussions.


    Inter-House Times Tables Challenge

    It's here at last-our very first times tables challenge with children representing their houses for a brand new house cup. Mr. Smith will be leading proceedings on Thursday and we know the nominated children have been studying hard to get their hands on the buzzers first. It's the (X) Times Factor!


    Congratulations to our Football Team

    Our team played three matches on Friday, winning all three comfortably. Scores were 6-0, 4-0 and 3-0. The next step is for our team to play all the winners in the finalists' tournament on Wednesday so good luck and we'll keep our readers informed.


    Wear Red Day

    The Friends of the School have organised a wear red for £1 day for Friday to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. That should be a very easy colour in Sunderland!


    Former pupil stars in University Challenge: If you ever wondered what happens to our pupils as they move through secondary school and into university, here's the story of a former pupil who's representing Newcastle University in University Challenge. Congratulations to Adam and good luck!


    Half term-Unbelievably, we're heading to the half term holiday (12th-16th February). During that week many of you'll  be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with delicious pancakes,  Great Shiva Night (also on Tuesday) and Chinese New Year on Friday, welcoming the Year of the Dog. We wish you a happy holiday and hope you take the time to enjoy your families and festivities. 




