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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Poetry Recital and Writing Competition

    Thu 30 Sep 2021 Mr J Howe


    As part of our annual celebrations for National Poetry Day, your class teacher will be sharing the poem in your year group which children are encouraged to learn - off by heart - for the poetry recital next Thursday. I talked to the children about this in assembly yesterday.


    Here are the poems to learn:


    Year 6

    Sonnet with particles of gold


    Today scientists discovered the origins of gold: 

    the sound of egg noodles crisping up in the wok, 

    the garden carpeted in kōwhai petals, 

    the way my phone corrects raumati (summer) to rainstorm. 

    The day after my grandmother died was white-gold in colour. 

    A star explodes and wings are found among the debris 

    along with pieces of a character I never memorised— 

    our only name for her, 婆, a woman 女 beneath a wave 波. 

    “Drift,” she mouths softly in English, “what is drift?” 

    My mother translates into her language, not one of mine. 

    I try to make myself remember by writing 婆 over and over 

    on squares of paper covering the walls so I am surrounded 

    by the women and the water radicals they hold close. 

    The tips of waves touch me in my sleep. 

    (Nina Mingya Powles)


    Year 5

    Which Wild One?


    Which creature would you be? 

    Today I’d choose a whale. We all need 

    to roam and there’s no greater space 


    than an ocean – a galaxy of salt water 

    right here on earth. And who wouldn’t 

    want to be that great hulk of life? To see


    in sound, to talk in song, to cruise the blue 

    or lose yourself in endless days of play: 

    lurching skywards, flopping backwards, 


    ever huffing lung-loads of warm air 

    back into the world. Tell me: 

    which other beast is as wise 

    as the moon, has the heart of a star - 

    or a belly full of memories

    from way back when?

    (James Carter)


    Year 4

    More Pointless Questions




    which glass do you 


    A bowl of glass 

    or a pond that ripples 

    when the winds pass? 


    Little bird 

    little bird 

    which do you prefer? 

    A house of wires 

    or a branch 

    that’s a stage 

    for feathered choirs? 


    Red rose

    red rose 

    which do you prefer? 

    A vase once used 

    to contain dry flowers 

    or a patch of ground 

    blooming with briars? 


    Putting such questions 

    to a goldfish 

    or a bird 

    or a rose 

    is pointless I suppose.

    (John Agard)


    Year 3



    Once there was an elephant, 

    Who tried to use the telephant. 

    No! No! I mean an elephone 

    Who tried to use the telephone. 

    (Dear me! I am not certain quite 

    That even now I’ve got it right.) 

    Howe’er it was, he got his trunk 

    Entangled in the telephunk. 

    The more he tried to get it free, 

    The louder buzzed the telephee. 

    (I fear I’d better drop the song 

    Of elephop and telephong!) 

    (Laura Richards)


    Year 2

    Arabian Nights 


    Here is a ring 

    On a silver dish. 

    Put it on your finger 

    and make a wish. 

    Here is a genie 

    Who waits in a flask. 

    If you want a favour 

    whisper and ask. 

    Here is a carpet 

    that knows how to fly. 

    Climb on. 

    Sit tight 

    Up into the sky! 

    (Tony Mitton)

    Year 1

    A Little Seed


    A little seed for me to sow 

    A little soil to make it grow 

    A little hole, a little pat, 

    A little wish, and that is that, 

    A little sun, a little shower. 

    A little while – 

    And then, a flower!

    (Mabel Watts)


    The second part of the day is writing a poem for the Seaburn Dene Primary School Amazing Poem Award.
    This year, the theme is My Reasons to Be Cheerful...
    The poem could be rhyme, free verse, limerick, haiku, list poem - the possibilities are endless. On one subject or lots of things.
    Entries can be handwritten, printed, painted but the deadline is: Thursday, October 7th - submitted to their class teacher.
    The winning entry will be published in the Sunderland Echo.
    I am looking forward to all our children's creative efforts!

  • Week beginning 13th May 2021

    Sun 12 Sep 2021 Mr J Howe

    It has been wonderful to have all the children back this week and so refreshing to see the children mixing more freely. The glorious weather of the first few days of term was also uplifting. It is always an exciting time, especially for new Reception and Nursery children and families, but this year felt more special than most given the past 18 months.

    Almost all the children have quickly settled into school’s routines.

     At Seaburn Dene, we want our children to really enjoy coming to school and really enjoy their time at home. It was lovely to see their smiling faces on Monday as they found their way to their new classrooms.

     Year six are preparing for house captain elections and have settled into their learning and getting used to that sense of responsibility that comes with being the oldest children in school.

     Year five, like many of our children, have grown taller over the summer! They have quickly settled to the routines and expectations of their new year group and we are very much looking forward to seeing their outcomes over the academic year. They couldn't wait to get stuck into tag rugby.

     Year four are thinking about and navigating a new way into school. Like Year five they threw themselves into tag rugby with their usual enthusiasm.

     Year three have certainly grown up and are showing that they are ready for key stage two. They have certainly impressed us with how sensible they are when walking around the school, especially during lunch time.

     Year two are loving joining gonoodle and getting up and dancing in class. We have really noticed how supportive they are of each other, for example, when they collect their lunch and when moving around the school they hold the door open for the others without being asked. They really are showing great kindness towards each other. Well done year two.

     Year one keep telling us how much fun they are having! They have quickly found their way around and have shown some "fantastic walking" - particularly when joining the rest of the school at lunchtime.

     Reception have amazed us all! They have quickly settled to the routines and expectations of the reception environment and they are very independent when getting their lunch - we have some fabulous tray holding! Well done reception! They are a really social group of children and it has been great to see the friendships that have formed already.

     Nursery are having a staggered start to the new school year. The nursery staff have enjoyed meeting the new children and can’t wait for them all to be in and learning together.

     We hope that all our parents and carers have also enjoyed the children’s return to school. We look forward to sharing your children's continued success over this first half term back.


  • First Week Back - News

    Tue 07 Sep 2021 Mr J Howe

    Welcome back

    It's a lovely day here at Seaburn Dene and we are really excited to be welcoming the children - both old and new - back to school. As the weather is due to rise above 21c today, can you please ensure your child has a hat, water bottle and has had sun cream applied for their first day back.


    Your views are needed

    We would like your feedback to your preference for parents' evenings this year - either face-to-face or remote. We are looking at whether there is demand to run one remote parents' evening/one face to face in the same week. Your feedback counts!



    Breakfast and Tea Club will continue - as normal - from tomorrow (Tues), opening at 7.45am and closing at 5.30pm. If you require a place please contact the school office on 0191 563 4100 or on
    Children will be able to enter breakfast club from the usual entry point via the EYFS/Y1 yard and quad area.


    Uniform recycling

    Message from Fulwell Library:
    "Those long 7 weeks are almost over and parents and kids alike are ready for the return to school. Remember we have uniform FREE of charge for everyone. Be it, if you are short of money in these tough times, face out of stock items or wanting to do your bit for the environment. Pop along we look forward to seeing you."
    The brilliant team there have full SDPS uniforms and PE kits.


    Noticed this at the weekend...the name, inspired by their learning around the Ancient Greeks chosen by Sisi and Tyler (now Y7) is up at The Seaburn Inn. 


  • Welcome back to school - September 2021

    Wed 01 Sep 2021 Mr J Howe

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding through all the very difficult and unusual times since March 2020! 

    Given the latest Government guidance, I can confirm we will be functioning as normal from Tuesday 7th September.  We are all so excited to be planning a ‘normal’ year where we can welcome you all back into school. It will be lovely to have whole school celebration assemblies again along with our shared learning experiences. I for one have missed all the children over the holidays and cannot wait to see them all again. I am sure they will have grown over the holidays.

    To enable the smooth running of the school day I have set out below the start and finish times along with the entrance your child will come into in the morning, along with some other routine guidance we need to adhere to.



    This remains the same– If your child is unwell and displaying symptoms of Covid-19 you must not attend school – contact us first if you have any doubts. You MUST inform us if you have taken your child for a Coronavirus Test and you MUST inform us of the result- positive or negative.  Any child becoming unwell during school hours will need to be collected from school immediately.



    At the start of the school day the children will still be required to wash their hands thoroughly on entry to school. We will be insisting on the ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it routine too. The enhanced cleaning procedures which operate throughout the school day will continue. All classrooms will continue to be well ventilated.



    School will open the doors from 8.45am (Nursery starts at 8.45am). This will allow for a steady intake of children. The official start of the school day is 8.55am. Please ensure your child is at school by this time. Children will return to the previous routine of making their own way in.  Please DO NOT allow your child to come to school earlier than 8.45am to wait on the yard unattended.




    • Nursery will open their doors from 8.45am. Parents can accompany their children to the classroom door, where Mrs Taylor and Mrs Berston will be there to meet them.
    • Reception children can be dropped off, from 8.45am, at their classroom door where Mrs Wilson and Mrs Brown will be ready to greet you.
    • Year 1 children can be dropped off onto the Y1/EYFS yard from 8.45am. 
    • Year 2 children can be dropped off from 8.45am. They will enter the Y2 classroom via the MAIN YARD entrance. Mrs Cruddas and Mrs Brown will be there to meet them.
    • Year 3 children can be dropped off from 8.45am. They will enter school via the MAIN YARD. Staff will on the yard and at the door to greet them.
    • Year 4 children can be dropped off from 8.45am. They will enter school via the MAIN YARD. Staff will on the yard to greet them.
    • Year 5 Children can be dropped off at 8.45am.They will enter school via the MAIN YARD. Staff will on the yard to greet them.
    • Year 6 children can be dropped off from 8.45am. They will enter school via the MAIN YARD. Staff will on the yard to greet them.

    Once the children are in school the staff will ensure handwashing takes place.

    • Nursery class to be collected at 2.45pm. Please wait in the EYFS yard and the staff will bring your child out to you.
    • Reception class will be collected at 3:15pm.  Please wait in the EYFS yard and the staff will bring the class out.
    • Year 1 will finish at 3.20pm. Please wait in the EYFS/Y1 yard and the staff will bring the class out.
    • Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 will finish at 3.20pm. They can be collected on the MAIN YARD and the staff will accompany them out, line them up and dismiss them to an identified parent/carer - waiting behind a designated point.
    • ONLY Year 5 and 6 pupils will be permitted to walk home alone and we do require a letter to be signed by parents, annually, before this can happen.




    • Avoid queuing/gathering outside and around the school gates.
    • Please respect some adults that may wish to maintain social distancing whilst on the school site.
    • We have an open door policy and are happy to chat to parents at the start of the day. This is for brief handovers, which we appreciate, but please bear in mind we need to get lessons underway by 8.55am. If you need a longer discussion with a teacher, please ring the office and book an appointment. Teachers will be on the yard at the end of the day too.
    • Face coverings are no longer required and will be entirely the choice of the individual. Staff will be wearing face coverings in communal areas of school for the first two weeks of term - at the request (city-wide) of Public Health.


    Breakfast  and After School care is open to all children from Nursery upwards. 


    6. UNIFORM

    Uniform rules apply. On PE days (which your class teacher will inform you of before Tuesday) - school PE kit.  Please ensure girls hair is tied back once it reaches shoulder length.


    7. LUNCHES

    The hall will be used as normal for the dining room at lunchtime.  The children will be able to play with children from different classes at lunch time.

    Please ensure lunches are nut-free because we have a number of children with nut allergies. This includes sandwich filling such as Nutella. 



    Please send your child with their own drinks bottle, this must be labelled clearly with their name and washed on a daily basis.



    The safety of our pupils, staff and parents is important to us and we work hard to make sure our school is as safe as can be, whilst maintaining a welcoming and friendly environment in which to learn.  If in the event of an outbreak of Coronavirus (5 cases) in school we will need to resort to more strict measures and this may include a staggered start time for your child’s class. You will be informed of such change if and when this occurs.


    Once again, I would like to thank you for your support and commitment to our school community. Let’s hope that this year is smooth and relatively normal. I sincerely hope you have all had time over the summer period to enjoy some family time (without the pressure of home learning!), I know I have enjoyed seeing my own children more regularly.



