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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Sports Day Week!

    Mon 27 Jun 2016 M. Purdy

    Tuesday 5th July

    Due to industrial action by the National Union of Teachers, several classes will be closed. Open will be:

    • The nursery class with Mrs Wilson
    • The new Year 1 with Mr. Ashton
    • The new Year 3 with Miss Bliss
    • The new Year 4 with Mr. Howe and Mrs Tough
    • The new Year 5 with Mr. Edwards.

    If arrangements change we will let you know as soon as we are able to do so.


    Sports Day

    One of our most exciting and enjoyable key events of the school year is taking place this week and, as in every other year, we are holding our breath whilst praying for a fine day. Although the forecast is thankfully dry for Thursday, the Met Office are indicating a lot of rain during Tuesday and Wednesday. So much planning and time goes into the day that we will push ahead if we possibly can, but we must consider children's safety at all times. However, with a healthy breeze and a few dry hours let's hope for a thoroughly enjoyable day. If you don't hear from us early on Thursday morning, the day will be going ahead as planned.


    In addition to the carousel, traditional sports and cricket, there will be an inflatable assault course (£1 for 3 runs) and the Hot Shot Shooting Challenge where you pay 20p to score in each of 3 hoops to win £1. I'll let you into a secret-none of our teachers have been able to score in all three yet but Mr. Ashton is determined.


    Don't forget your sunscreen....and an umbrella!


    Visit to the Mayor's Office and Council Chambers

    Learning About British Values-Democracy

    This week sees the beginning of our Brilliantly British transition topic. As part of that topic, the new Year 6 are visiting the Mayor's Office and Council Chambers to learn how democracy works locally, what it's like to be part of a  council meeting and how decisions are made. Thank you to the Mayor's office for hosting two of our classes this year-the children are now very knowledgeable about democracy and this helps them to elect a School Council.


    Did you know that teaching children about fundamental British values is compulsory? It includes:

    • democracy
    • rule of law
    • individual liberty
    • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


    Clean for the Queen

    Taking Pride in Our Community-You may remember that we planned this for April but the skies opened all week making the ground too muddy and puddly. So, because we love our school grounds and local community we are going to try again on Friday. Mr. Howe is in the midst of planning a timetable so let's hope we can squeeze it in before the showery afternoon forecast by the Met Office.


    Meet and Greet

    Parents learning how to keep children safe online-We are looking forward to seeing you all next Monday at 6.15pm. We welcome Mark Lloyd who will kick start the evening with a very interesting and informative talk about children being safe on the internet and mobile phones. 


    What On Earth? Weekly Competition

    Learning about British History- We were so impressed with Chris Lloyd that we now have a 3 metre  long "What On Earth?" display board in the main hall. Each week children from Years 5 and 6 will set a question for the whole school. James and Vinny from Year 5 have set this week's question about The Titanic. Children will need to scan the poster to discover the answer which they can pop into the special answer box to have a chance to win a weekly prize.


    Chris Lloyd runs a free Family Book Club that sends out a monthly newsletter packed with fun facts and family activities. Click here for the link.



    Taking Pride in Our Community-Last week Year 3 worked to plant flowers along the seafront in an activity sponsored and organised by the Sunderland Seafront Traders' Association. Not only did the children have a thoroughly enjoyable time in making the seafront even more inviting with their blooms, but they also dived hungrily and eagerly into chips and ice cream provided by Minchellas.


    On returning to school we were delighted to be presented with a cheque for £250. This will help us to buy science equipment that would usually be classed as a luxury so thank you to all the traders who contributed. 




  • All Change

    Mon 20 Jun 2016 M. Purdy

    There's great excitement around school today as all our children move up into their new classes and work with their new teachers. Along with the move are new responsibilities such as voting for the people who will best serve the class as a School Councillor. This is far more important for our school than any other election so campaigning starts this week. Also this week, teachers are assessing how much progress children make then next week our exciting Brilliantly British topic starts. It'll soon be time for the Morris Dancing workshops!


    Durham Cathedral Leaders' Service

    We had a wonderful afternoon last Wednesday at the invitation of the Bishop of Jarrow. Our children had some really thoughtful contributions to make during the activity sessions then sang their hearts out at the service. In fact, they impressed the Bishop so much that he has asked us to attend every year. How thrilling to be the only non-church school to have an open invitation. The Year 6 children noticed that we were the only school not to have a banner so Miss Gray and the church craft club will be working with us to design and make a banner for next year. It will be absolutely superb! Thank you to Rev Child for making all these connections and introductions for us.


    Reading-The Bark and Read Club

    With the help of Gil and Nicky Crossley (and we couldn't do it without them), the school is introducing a Bark and Read Club into Years 2 and 3. To develop their confidence in reading aloud, children will be chosen to read to Robbie and Rosie, both very calm, lovely dogs who enjoy a gentle stroke too. We know, from the visit of Mollie and her handler from The Dog's Trust last year, that our children instinctively feel comfortable with animals so this is a wonderful opportunity for children to both improve reading skills and have an opportunity to develop their understanding of dogs too.



    Drama Club has been rehearsing scenes from the challenging yet thoroughly entertaining musical play "Olivia". They are planning to show some of the scenes to parents and the school on Wednesday 6th July at 2.30pm. I will be very excited to enjoy seeing their work as a member of the audience. I am sure everyone will be brilliant!


    Sports Day-just a reminder that Sports Day is next Thursday (30th) June. Mr. Ashton will be sending out further details soon but we begin at 10.30am and go through until about 2.30pm in the afternoon.

  • No Place to Park!

    Mon 13 Jun 2016 M. Purdy

    Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang Disaster....Quite a few parents and children have asked where I got to on Thursday evening. I set away from home at 6.00pm for a 7.30pm start, took over an hour to get into Newcastle then discovered that the Blaydon Races with 4000 entries were taking place. There wasn't a car park place anywhere, roads were shut at every turn so I circled until 7.45pm when I decided that I had no alternative but to go home. Thankfully, you all made it, albeit by Metro, and enjoyed a fabulous show.


    Reading Logs and Reading Books....Whilst most of our children read virtually every evening and bring their reading logs every day,  there are several children in each class who habitually arrive in school unprepared with no reading log and no book to read. Reading is fundamental to every child's learning and, therefore, 10 minutes of reading to an adult each day is invaluable to the progress children make. We understand how busy most of you are but a daily 10 minutes can make such a difference to the success of your child. Thank you.


    Sporting Success....It's Gold again. The school has been awarded the School Games Gold Award for a second successive year.  Our thanks go out to all staff but particularly to Mr. Ashton who has his finger on the pulse when it comes to entering and preparing our school for tournaments. The Year 4, 5 and 6 athletics team returned on Friday afternoon buzzing with excitement as they had thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of competition and were feeling very optimistic. We await the results with baited breath!


    School Uniform.... May I politely remind parents that dazzling socks and trainers or baseball boots are not school uniform.


    We're Off to Durham Cathedral......Several weeks ago the Bishop of Jarrow invited our Year 6 to the Leavers' Service at Durham Cathedral which takes place on Wednesday afternoon. We have been learning the three set songs and really look forward to visiting the magnificent cathedral once more. It is such a privilege to have been sent this special invitation and will launch the end of primary school celebrations with style. 

  • Joe's Special Day

    Thu 09 Jun 2016 M. Purdy

    Joe had a wonderful day delivering CODEX, meeting the Archbishop of Canterbury and sitting in Parliament where he listened to a debate about extending registration for the EEC vote. Here is one of the newspaper articles.




  • Here Comes the Sun!

    Tue 07 Jun 2016 M. Purdy

    Enjoy the sun safely..

    There's nothing more lovely than waking up to glorious sunny days. We just have to remind you to think about wearing hats and sun tan cream on these warm days.


    Can I also say how delighted we are that more children are cycling to school. However, we have noticed that not all children are wearing cycling helmets. Heads are designed to protect the brain and the slightest bump can have very serious consequences. The cycling shed has lockers for helmets and keys are available at the school office. Please use them.


    Welcome Back Miss Bliss ....... now that Alice is 6 months old Miss Bliss has returned to school. We are delighted to see her teaching in her classroom once again and, I am sure, the children in Year 5 are equally thrilled to have Miss Bliss back.


    A Busy Half Term...please keep referring to our calendar to keep up to date with all the exciting activities we have planned for the half term ahead. This week alone there is: Open the Book/Technology Tom/Chitty Chitty Bang Bang theatre trip/Quad athletics! Phew!


    Family Bike Rides...Sunderland Council are running some super activities this Summer, not least the Big Bike Ride from St. Peter's University Campus on Sunday 12th June. Take a look at the website for further details.


    Open the we welcome the first of a series of special assemblies organised by Rev Andrew Watson of the Parish of Monkwearmouth. The Open the Book Drama Group will come into school each Tuesday afternoon to re-enact Bible stories beginning today with the story of creation. We welcome them into our school and look forward to these Old Testament stories being brought to life each Tuesday this term.


    A focus on science, reading and computing....2016-17 will be the year of science, reading and computing. Watch out for amazing learning, investigations and highly developed skills in these subjects in the year ahead.


    World Cup Celebration Afternoon....Mr Ashton and Mr. Smith are organising a special England v Wales celebration event to take place next Thursday afternoon (16th) from 2.00pm. If they pay £1, children will be able to wear red, white and blue on the day then there will be raffles in the afternoon with themed prizes. These will be £1 a strip. Funds raised will contribute to sport resources in our school. There will be alternative activities for children not interested in the match.


    Year 2 class assembly....... has now been moved to the afternoon of  Friday 17th June.


    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang .....Now that you have your tickets you are free to make your own way to the theatre (and even for a meal before the show begins). I have heard that Lee Mead is amazing in the lead role so I hope you're all looking forward to this long awaited event. Don't forget that children are authorised to arrive later on  Friday so that they can have a little more sleep after a late night.


    Slam is the way to go...Following the school's successes in football and netball this year, Mr. Ashton is eager to develop basketball so that we play at a sufficiently high level to enter tournaments. The new nets have arrived so with Mr. Ashton's determination and our children's enjoyment of sport we will soon be ready to take on the Harlem Globetrotters.




