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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Talking About Terrorism

    Wed 24 May 2017 M. Purdy

    After the dreadful events on Monday, parents will be concerned about what children see on television, social media and in newspapers. Whilst we wish to protect our children, it is so difficult to keep them away from the news. However, if your child brings up the terrorist attack in their conversations or play, here are some very useful links to help you to talk to them about it.



  • Sports Day - Important Information

    Mon 22 May 2017 S Baker
    A letter has gone home tonight giving information about our Sports Day on Thursday 15th June. There is a slip attached which needs to be completed by ALL parents, whether your child is school meals or packed lunches, to let us know whether they will be having a family picnic lunch on the field or not. It is important that we know which children are staying in school so that the kitchen can order the appropriate lunches for them and we have appropriate members of staff to supervise them during the lunch break. This is a wonderful day and we want it to go as smoothly as possible, so we would appreciate a quick response from you. Thank you!!
  • The Great Outdoors continued

    Fri 19 May 2017 M. Purdy

    Global Outdoor Classroom Day was such a  success that staff have decided to use the outdoors for lessons more often. During the day we had outdoor maths, den building, science, bug hotel building, planting, cloud identification, poetry, art and much more. It was a wonderful learning day as we are especially lucky to have so many different environments on our doorstep.  I'm sure the children slept well that night...and so did the staff!


    The WE Wonder was too much to expect two consecutive fine days and, as we opened our curtains on Friday morning, we were dismayed to see the pouring rain. However, all is not lost as we have rearranged the Wonder Walk to Friday 9th June.


    Derwent Hill-this week many of our Year 6 class are spending Monday to Friday experiencing adventurous activities in the Sunderland's Derwent Hill  Residential Centre. Whether canoeing, hill walking or climbing, the days are full of energetic tasks and team problems to solve. Have a wonderful week everyone.


    Relax Kids-we were so impressed with how Relax Kids work and the passion of Relax Kids leader Hayley Ramm that we have asked her to work in our school. Year 4 will be taking a 6 week course, beginning on Wednesday 7th June, that will teach them strategies to deal with life's ups and downs. We are also inviting a few Year 3 to join the Yr 4 as ambassadors. They will assess the course to decide whether or not another year group should have the same opportunity.


    The Different Faces of Britain-the whole school will be taking part in this one day multi cultural topic on Monday 5th June.

  • Air Ambulance

    Mon 15 May 2017 M. Purdy

    This lunchtime the Air Ambulance needed to use the school field and playground. No children from Monkwearmouth or Seaburn Dene Primary were involved in the emergency. Children were kept in the dining room with curtains closed to prevent them seeing anything that would be distressing for them. They were given the information they needed to know then a film was found to entertain them.


    Personally, having seen the professionalism of the fire officers, police officer and ambulance staff, I am in awe of the work they do. We are proud to assist in any way.

  • The Great Outdoors!

    Fri 12 May 2017 M. Purdy

    The End of Fidget Spinners at SDPS

    It's a fantastic marketing ploy and I wish I'd thought of it! Selling millions, this latest craze is promoted as a gadget that aids children's concentration but we've discovered it's quite the opposite. Fidget Spinners are proving to be a serious distraction away from  learning so, like all toys, we ask for them to be left at home. Thank you to parents for complying with our request. We have identified children who require fidget gadgets and provide for these through the school budget. Fidget Spinners are not one of the products we use.


    The Year 6 SATs are over so we can all get back to business as normal. Congratulations to our Year 6 for their superb attitude and focus last week-we are proud of their efforts.


    Last week our fabulous Yr 5 rugby team returned to school with a sparkling trophy, having won the cluster championship for the second year. With 32 tries and 4 wins this team remain unbeaten and their points have contributed to SDPS climbing up the school sports cluster rankings.


    Whatever the weather, we have a raft of outdoor activities planned for the next two weeks. It's looking dark and dismal today but there's always tomorrow! 



    This week Year 5 take their Bikeability course. It's a week long teaching and testing programme that'll demonstrate to children the skills they need to be safe on the road. With an increasing number of cycle tracks and wonderful scenery in the North East, there's no better family day out than a bike ride with a picnic stop to refuel. All we need is dry weather (but a little warm sun would be good too). Mrs Houston has sent out all the information parents need about the Bikeability course. It's the right time to emphasise to children (and adults) the importance of wearing a helmet to protect against head and brain injuries. 


    Global Outdoor Classroom Day is on Thursday so staff are planning wonderful, inspiring activities for the day. Gillian is even preparing an outdoor lunch-burger in a bun, corn on the cob and fries with a biscuit for desert. Individual teachers will inform parents if special clothing e.g wellies are required.


    WE Wonder Walk-is on Friday. Everyone is welcome to join us. Robbie, the Bark and Read dog will  be leading and Mr McNally providing conga music as we head back into the school playground. The walk is £1 per participant, has been created and organised by our Year 6 team with money being divided between the British Heart Foundation and WE Kenya project.


    Derwent Hill Residential Week for Year 6 is taking place on the last week of the half term with Mr. Traves and Mrs Smith accompanying the group. This is always a very popular week where children learn how to work as a team, overcome obstacles and enjoy social time.


    And in school...

    Dance City are leading dance workshops for Years 1 to 4 on Tuesday and there is a Reading Awards assembly on Friday 19th May for Years 4, 5 & 6.



    Last week a postcard with a potted pansy landed on my desk advertising a website and workshops called Relax Kids. I've taken a look at their website to discover a lovely introductory programme for families to aid sleep, relaxation, positivity and happiness. It helps children to manage worries and anxieties so, t a time when mental health and well being in schools is being highlighted, this seems like a really interesting opportunity. I am investigating future possibilities and opportunities for our families. Meanwhile, there's a free 21 day  parent activity pack for you to access by clicking here. The music alone is very relaxing so why not have a go yourself..then let me know how it feels for your family.



    Fri 05 May 2017 M. Purdy


    This week our Year 6 take their SATs. We say "at last" as preparing the children for the new standards has been incredibly hard work. Most of the staff have been involved in taking individuals and groups before and after school for many months, Mr. Smith organised us all to be involved in Easter school, a second Year 6 teacher to support Mr. Smith by making class sizes smaller was approved by Governors and I have taught each day since Christmas. And now the day has arrived where children have the opportunity to put all that learning onto paper. They have worked extra hard this year and, when things have become difficult, shown extraordinary determination. We wish them every success.



    A letter written by our Year 6 WE "committee" has been sent out to all families. We hope you are able to support the girls in their endeavours.



    On Tuesday this week Year 5 are taking part in a rugby tournament. It is taking place during the school day on Monkwearmouth field so there is no travelling involved. The team needs to get a few wins tomorrow to move up the rankings. Good luck Year 5.




    Tue 02 May 2017 M. Purdy

    This morning we are an exceptionally proud school. Having been crowned Sunderland Year 5 Hoops for Health champions, our basketball team played in the regional tournament on Sunday. They played against teams from all over the North East and had 5 matches before they could qualify for the final.  Nothing could stop our intrepid players and even when they were behind in a match they showed pure determination to blast through every game as winners.


    There was a welcome break during the first half of the Newcastle Eagles versus Bristol match. Our team played it cool while the adults were in a state of nervous exhaustion. That first half seemed a lifetime but the moment came for our team to take to the court to play Ponteland. Although several of the opposition towered above our players they kept calm, remembering their strategies to score the first basket. Their lead was consolidated by a second basket then nothing Ponteland overcame the expertise of our team. The whistle blew to make Seaburn Dene Primary School CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS!


    Congratulations to Konstandinos, Isobel, Rosie, Trudi, Joseph, Joshua , Ben and Thomas . These children have spent hours during lunchtimes and after school working out strategies, improving skills and learning techniques. Of course, none of this would be possible without the hard work and dedication of our coach of the year Mr. Traves. I would also like to mention Mrs Houston who, as Year 5 classteacher, has supported the team through every match and Mr Ashton who had the idea of introducing basketball to the school.


    At the moment we don't know about the next stage for the team. Will there be a national final? We'll let you know as soon as we have any information.





