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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Summer seems to have arrived

    Sun 28 Apr 2019 Mr J Howe

    The cherry blossom has carpeted the school yard, providing opportunities for impromptu showers of a more welcoming variety this week and classes have been enjoying our outside spaces, whether completing their Bikeability programme or searching for the sounds and signs of bird species with the RSPCA.


    Derwent Hill

    Mrs Smith will be leading the parents' meeting about our forthcoming Derwent Hill residential, week beginning June 10th. The meeting, on Tuesday, starts at 3.20pm prompt and is particularly useful at reassuring yourselves - rather than the children - about what this wonderful experience will exactly entail.


    Talking of SATS...

    Only 9 school days to go. Year 6 have been incredible-diligent and hard working as staff have prepared them for their tests. I know my maths group have worked extremely hard in preparing, yet we always need to recognise that these tests do not define our children and certainly not their future lives.



    The Nursery is being used as a polling station on Thursday, May 2, but we will remain open. Business as usual, with children relocating to Reception for the day.


    Miss Bell

    It is with a heavy heart that we say farewell to Miss Bell in our office, after more than two years, who leaves to take up a position at Newcastle University on Friday. I'm sure I speak for the whole school community in wishing her every future success. She has been a huge asset to Seaburn Dene, invaluable in so many ways and her professional, friendly and courteous manner has obviously proved popular with all families and visitors alike. Good luck!




  • Welcome Back

    Tue 23 Apr 2019 Mr J Howe

    Day One of the Summer term and as one of the children gleefully pointed out, the cherry trees are in full bloom. We couldn't have wished for better weather to kick off the final term of the school year. With only 13 school days before the Year 6 SATS, our minds are already turning to Sports Day and the very many other summer events in school.

    Summer clothing
    Outdoor play is a core part of our curriculum. Your children’s safety and comfort is our priority and we kindly ask you to provide a sun hat for your child as we approach the summer months. With the weather due to fluctuate, please remember that we strongly advise that you apply sun cream each morning before school. Remember, even on cloudy days the weather can improve. Please ensure all items of clothing including hats are clearly labelled.

    Just a reminder on uniform:

    • Footwear with uniform should be black, practical school shoes - not trainers.
    • PE kit is a plain white or blue t-shirt with blue or black plain shorts and an optional school hoodie -  NO football strips allowed.
    • Distinctive hairstyles, including tramlines and coloured, dyed hair are not suitable for school.
    • If ears are pierced, only one pair of studs may be worn for safety reasons. These should not be worn on PE days, but if they cannot be removed, they must be covered up with tape which each child should keep in their PE bag.
    • Socks and tights should be plain –  black, black or grey.
    • No jewellery (except watches), nail varnish or make up.
    • Girls have the option to wear a blue checked dress (Summer), white sandals or socks (Summer).


    Most clubs should be back up and running next week, once we have confirmed attendance numbers. Our breakfast and tea club are starting today. Our Green Start Course starts next Monday 1-3pm, with six sessions finishing on Monday, 17th or 24th June.


    Spring Term Magazine

    With the Spring term being so short yet crammed with exciting activities, I struggled to get the termly magazine out to you. However, it is almost ready and should be with you on Friday.

    Dates for your diary
    Half term
    This half term will finish on Friday 24th May and will begin again on Monday  3rd June 2019.


    As always, we are more than happy to help you, should you have any further queries at this stage in the term. Please do use the usual channels of communication to contact us, should you need to.






  • Countdown to an exciting week

    Mon 01 Apr 2019 Mr J Howe

    What an exciting week lies ahead of us.

     Y3, 4, and 5 are really gearing up for our fantastic Pantastic musical - which the whole school will see this vibrant, spectacle this afternoon in its first, full run - before a double header of shows at 2pm and 6pm tomorrow. We welcome the first taster session for our Green Start course with Groundwork Trust, after starting some initial planting around school. Meanwhile, the Easter Chocolate Afternoon tea celebration is taking place on Thursday at 3.30pm.


    Don't forget: We're back to school on Tuesday 23rd April. During the first week back we're all looking at what we would do in any emergency.


    Throughout the week we will be celebrating the Easter story during assembly time. Today we will hear Palm Sunday, in assembly tomorrow learn about the Crucifixion and on Wednesday our assembly will tell the story of the Resurrection.


    The Big Tidy

    During the next week, we're having a big tidy up around school - both inside and out. Coming to the end of the Easter term and with so many children and adults working so closely together, it often becomes a challenge keeping all the different areas of school tidy: cloakrooms, resource cupboards, classrooms. You can help us at home by clearly marking your child's name on their uniform/PE kit - we have dozens of items in our lost property trays in the front reception area of school - all there due to a lack of identification.


    Parking around school

    We need to keep our grounds safe for all children and students so keeping traffic to a minimum is key to this. Our school council are already considering what they could suggest to reduce traffic to and from Torver Crescent. Parents from our school should not be dropping off or collecting children from the school car park unless there are exceptional circumstances and they have school permission. 


    Dismissal from school

    We welcome parents/carers onto our school yard and value your interaction with staff. However, at the end of the school day, we are finding that dismissing children is becoming increasingly difficult, due to parents waiting both in front, behind and to the side of where classes line up. After Easter, we will ask parents to stand behind a designated point (in front of the bike sheds), so staff can see exactly where parents and carers are. It is a simple change, but - for safeguarding reasons - is important to prevent the possibility of children wandering off to a parent/carer waiting behind or to the side of where their class are and where teachers can't see them. I would also request that if you need to speak to a class teacher at the end of the day, please wait until their class is dismissed or request an appointment in the office. For the safeguarding of the children, our staff need to be fully focused when dismissing all their children.

    Finally, I am very much a believer in: “Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile”. These years are so precious and short, those conversations at the end of the school day should be cherished, encouraged and listened to. 



