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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Saying Goodbye to...

    Mon 23 Feb 2015

    Mrs Tough

    From Monday next week Mrs Tough will be on adoption leave. It's great excitement in the Tough household and she and her husband Andrew prepare for two little ones to become part of their family. We will see Mrs Tough again in September so it's not goodbye forever. I am sure you join me in wishing Mrs Tough, Andrew and their new family joy, happiness and much love.


    Mrs Kaye

    Mrs Kaye has decide to spend a second year in Dubai so has resigned from SDPS. Mrs Kaye's endless energy and enthusiasm is a big miss but we wish her every success for her future career out in Dubai. Personally, with freezing cold feet listening to the Winter wind I cannot see the attraction of thirty degrees in February can you?


    Reading Festival 2nd-6th March

    Mr.  Howe has set out the wonderful activities for the week so remember your parent/child library session.

  • Busy Week Before Half Term

    Mon 09 Feb 2015 Miss Purdy


    Mother and Daughter's Evening

    Excitement is building as we head towards our long awaited Mother and Daughter's evening. There are many entertaining and exciting activities waiting for you and you can enter the maths quiz and general knowledge quiz for fabulous prizes. Tickets include a light supper and can be purchased from the school office. £2.50  per adult and £1 per child.


    Safety First

    Tuesday is Safer Internet Day which we will mark with an assembly on this theme. Every class has a lesson each half term on the safe use of technology but, whilst no child is allowed internet access without an adult supervising in school, we are reminding parents that they too have a responsibility at home. It's not just about computers, laptops and ipads, but also about computerised  games and telephones. The question we all need to ask is "Do we know who are children are talking to through technology?"


    There have been a few concerns raised by parents and the local community about irresponsible driving and parking outside of school. No matter how anxious you are to get off to work, please think about safety of the people around you first.



    This week Mrs Smith, Mr. Howe and I will be attending termly training for child protection and safeguarding. Mrs Smith is now our Designated Officer with Mr. Howe and myself being her deputies.


    Mrs Wilson will be attending training in science. With the new curriculum fully embedded we are now in a position to review and adapt it so that children are even more engaged in their learning. Mrs Wilson is embarking on leading science throughout the school so we look forward to any innovative approaches she brings back into school.


    Mr. Howe, Miss Brunton and Mr. Ashton are launching into Action Research ad undertaking training on Friday morning with me. Action Research is the perfect vehicle for school development and will, in 2015-16,impact on the whole teaching staff to improve our teaching further.


    Mr. Howe will be attending training in the management of children who present challenging behaviour. So many of our children have impeccable behaviour that we rarely need these strategies but they are useful to have at your fingertips should there be a situation to diffuse.


    Shakespeare Rocks-Drama Club Returns!

     After the unbelievable performance of "Archibald's War" we are ready to launch into rehearsals for our new production. After a very intensive Autumn term, the break has been wonderful but we are missing working with the children on Wednesday. Letters for interested children will come out this week.

  • Reminder!

    Mon 09 Feb 2015

    Deadline for handing in the NSPCC Sponsorship Forms is Tuesday 10th February.

  • First Week in Frozen February

    Mon 02 Feb 2015 M. Purdy


    Wintry Weather

    They say it's going to be a very cold February although, so far, our children have been very disappointed with the lack of snow. There are a few light showers forecast over the next couple of days but not enough to enjoy. School is warm and toasty but we still need to wear our jumpers, scarves, coats and hats for playtimes.


    Reading Festival

    To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 5th March we are planning a week long Reading Festival full of exciting activities for all our children from Nursery to Year 6. Maths will be moved to the first lesson of the day so that the rest of the day can be dedicated to our exploration of books. On Word Book Day you will all be able to come along to school at 6.30pm for a bedtime story while mums and dads have a cup of tea.


    Mums and Daughters Evening

    Next Wednesday (11th Feb) is our highly anticipated Mums and Daughters evening. From 6.30pm to 8.00pm, the evening begins with an inspirational talk from Julie Reff of Applause Accountancy. A supper of quiche, potato and coleslaw will energise you for the activities which include solving a crime scene set up by Durham Police, workshops with Sunderland Flames Ladies Rugby, biscuit decorating and craft activities, Disney Singalong, biscuit decorating/crafts, Wii Dance. At £2.50 per adult and £1 per child, this is an evening you won't want to miss. Tickets are available from the main office.


    Does Your Child Love Art?

    Miss Gray, one of our parent governors, has signposted a wonderful opportunity for children to have their art put into an online gallery with the possibility of winning a cash prize. Poppy and Daisy entered their art during the Ancient Egyptian week and both have art on display in the gallery. Why not take a look and join in?


    P.E Kits

    An increasing number of children are forgetting P.E kits or claiming they are not allowed to join in because of illness/injuries. Children are encouraged to bring their kit in on a Monday to take home on Fridays. Exercise is vital to children's growth and wellbeing. All children are expected to participate unless they have a note from home with a good reason for not taking part.


    Year 2 Visit

    This week, as part of their R.E, Year 2 will be visiting Fulwell Methodist Church. Thank you once again to Gareth Phillips, for giving up his church to help our children learn about Christianity.


    Assembly  Theme: This week our theme is Rules.
