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Weekly News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • School Calendar

    Mon 28 Nov 2016 M. Purdy

    Dear Parents

    A new feature of the school’s website allows you to download events from the school calendar into your own personal calendar on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.
    All you need to do is visit the calendar on the school website and click the link called ‘Link school events to personal calendar’. You can then choose from three options: to add to your default calendar (for example, on an iPhone it will go to the iPhone calendar); to add it to your Google calendar; or input it to your calendar program of choice.

    Things to know:

    1.  If the school edits its calendar, the updates will appear automatically in your calendar (the time that this takes to happen will depend on your calendar program).
    2. You cannot edit the events in the school calendar.
    3.  All events will pull through in one colour only, not the colours set by the school.
    4. You can name the calendar and choose how often to receive updates.
    5. You can unsubscribe via your own calendar at any time.
    6. If you have any questions or feedback, please let the office know and we can forward them to the school’s website provider.
  • It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

    Mon 28 Nov 2016 M. Purdy

    The Posada Begins Its Journey

    The Christmas Story-Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent so, on Wednesday, Revd Child will set the Posada off on its journey around our homes. Originally a Mexican tradition, the Posada represents Mary, Joseph and the donkey on their journey to Bethlehem. Our school Posada, donated last year by Revd Child, comes with a diary for children or families to write to tell us all the adventures of the Posada either real or imaginary. 



    Helping others:Revd Child will lead the Christingle service on Thursday 8th December at 9.15am. Parents are very welcome to join us as it is an especially touching and beautiful service. All donations to the Children's Society are welcome. The society works with young people across Britain who are facing neglect, abuse and hardship and who have nowhere to turn so, at a time when we are putting up trees, switching on lights and amassing piles of gifts, such a service helps us to think about children who are in crisis and not feeling Christmas joy.


    A Victorian Christmas

    Christmas Past-Next week we will be looking at how Victorians celebrated Christmas and stories around that theme. Then in March, World Book Day, will once again be on a Victorian theme when last year's costumes can be shaken out, dusted down and worn once again. 


    Starlight Presented by Years 1 and 2

    The "Aahhh" factor. On the afternoon of Thursday 8th December, Years 1 and 2 will be performing their Christmas musical "Starlight". I can guarantee that you'll be wiping away proud tears and leave school feeling the warming glow of a Christmas story.


    A Special Evening With Santa

    Feel the magic. On Thursday 15th December come along to visit Santa in his grotto, watch a Christmas film and join in with Christmas craft activities. Booking is essential -you can do this by contacting the school office. Leaflets will be sent to you this week.


    Consideration for our neighbours-As the weather moves from Autumnal to Winter then traffic in Torver Crescent increases. We are appealing to you to consider our neighbours by not blocking their driveways as you drop children off at school. Thank you.

  • £5000 for Science

    Fri 18 Nov 2016 M. Purdy

    Fantastic Grant News

    On Friday we were informed that our bid for a £5000 grant from the National Science Learning Centre to further improve science teaching and learning had been successful. This means that we now have the money for our excellent trainer, Phil Watkins, to work alongside us during the school day to develop our teaching of science to be the best it can possibly be. A huge thank you to Mrs Wilson for applying on behalf of the school.


    Christmas Fayre

    It promises to be a wonderful event with hundreds of gorgeous prizes to win. Thank  you to everyone who donated prizes and those of you promising us fresh cakes on Thursday. We always enjoy your creations.


    Opening at 3.30pm on Thursday, we all look forward to joining you for Christmas fun and merriment. 

  • Scholastic Book Club Orders

    Thu 17 Nov 2016 S Baker
    The deadline for handing in Scholastic Book Club orders will be Monday 21st November 2016.
  • Planting Trees!

    Wed 16 Nov 2016 S Baker
    Mrs Wilson in the Foundation Stage Unit has been provided with some trees by the Woodland Trust to plant in our school grounds. If you, or you know of anyone, who would be willing to come into school on Wednesday 23rd November at 1.30pm to help Mrs Wilson plant the trees we would be really grateful. If you wish to bring along your own spade for the job that would be great! Please speak to Mrs Baker in the office if you can help us.
  • Anti Bullying Week

    Mon 14 Nov 2016 M. Purdy

    This week is national Anti Bullying Week. Classes will explore bullying and strategies for dealing with bullies whether face to face or online. Having spent two very revealing meetings with the School Council, as a school we seem to be dealing with children's behaviour very well, as the School Council report that bullying is rare at SDPS and that teachers deal with any incidents that may spiral into bullying. But no school can be complacent so must keep on promoting kindness and good social skills.


    As part of the week I will be reading the introduction of a lovely children's novel, The Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine which has bullying as its central theme. I have unearthed 9 copies for children to enjoy. The reading level is appropriate for independent readers in Years 3 and 4 and for someone who wants a quick read in Year 5. On Thursday, Year 3 will be leading the school assembly with anti bullying as its theme. It begins at 2.50pm and parents are invited.


    Memories and Remembrance

    Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Memories Showcases on Wednesday and Thursday. We felt immensely proud of our children, who take Remembrance very seriously, and we had some incredibly complimentary feedback from you. Your support for these events certainly encourages us to organise similar themed events in the Spring and Summer terms.


    Years 1 and 2 are continuing to explore Remembrance and today are visiting the War Memorial at Mowbray Park. On such a mild Autumn day they should see the memorial at its best, complete with new poppy wreaths.


    Non Uniform Day

    On Thursday it is a non uniform day in return for chocolate. Scarily the Christmas Fair is next week! Once again Mrs Dawson is in the staff kitchen folding raffle tickets. She politely asks that you return sold ticket stubs as early as possible so there is less folding to do at the actual fair. We are also appealing for:

    • soft toys that are clean and in good condition
    • unwanted gifts for the gift stall
    • cake donations on the day of the fair


    Improving Teaching

    On Friday we will be joined by Mr. Alan Sergison, an educational consultant. I have invited Mr. Sergison into school to observe lessons with senior members of staff to provide an objective view of our teaching and learning. Mr. Sergison has vast experience as a consultant and OFSTED inspector and will be working alongside us during this academic year to help us to achieve teaching skills that are the best they can be.



  • There's a Child About

    Wed 09 Nov 2016 M. Purdy

    Parents are becoming increasingly anxious about those adults delivering and collecting children who drive and park carelessly, especially those dropping off on the zig zag lines. Once again we appeal to everyone to drive carefully and park sensibly in Torver Crescent. None of us want to see a child hurt so we must keep this in mind when we make decisions as motorists. My advice is to give yourselves an extra 5 minutes so you're not in a rush.


    School does not have any authority over motorists so, if parents have concerns or take photographs of offending vehicles, please send your concerns to the Council's Highways Department and/or the police.

  • Remembrance Week

    Mon 07 Nov 2016 M. Purdy


    If you have been with us for some time you will know that we take Remembrance Weekend very seriously. Year 6 are selling poppies this week so all donations are gratefully received. The school also holds an assembly each year which includes a 2 minute silence at 11.00am on 11th day of the 11th hour and this year it will be led by Reverend Bradshaw of St. Andrew's Church.


    To enhance Remembrance, this week our theme across the school is one of memories and even this morning I saw one of the nursery children talking to the teacher about the lovely photographs and objects in his memory box. All classes are inviting you to a showcase, when each class will give a presentation in the main hall followed by a visit to classrooms where you will have the time to enjoy your children's thoughts and work on the theme of Memories.


    This week the assembly theme is "Memories of War" and today I will telling the school about the brave Sikh soldiers of WW1.



    For those of you who have not yet seen your child's classteacher, parents evening is tomorrow (Tuesday)evening. Miss Bliss will keep her appointments as arranged. She will make arrangements to see her cancelled appointments very soon.



    Folding raffle tickets must rank as one of the year's most boring jobs yet, this morning, Cheryl Dawson, of the Friends, has collected the raffle ticket money handed in so far, ticked numbers off against a list, written on stubs where names had not been put on every ticket and folded the tickets. It has taken her all morning so thank you to everyone selling tickets for us and to the Friends for doing all those tedious tasks that create a wonderful Christmas Fayre. 



    Next week is Anti Bullying Week, a week in which the School Council plays a very important part. Several Councillors attended an Anti Bullying Conference with Mrs Taylor on one of our October INSET days. They will be telling the rest of the school about the conference in assembly today then, next week, going into each class to talk to children so that they know what bullying is and what to do if it happens to them. They have also asked if they can organise a competition to redesign the cover of the children's anti bullying leaflet. What super work from our councillors.



  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Wed 02 Nov 2016 M. Purdy
    Thank you to everyone who took part in the Macmillan fund raising non-uniform day on 30th September. A magnificent total of £252.25 was raised by pupils and staff in memory of Mrs Susan Armstrong. The money has been forwarded to Macmillan. Mrs Armstrong's sister, Lucille, was very touched by this gesture and everyone's generosity in support of this worthy cause.
