Dear Parents
It is less than a week until we welcome all our children back to Seaburn Dene.
We are obviously delighted that all of our pupils are now able to return, but we must also ensure that we update our risk assessments and examine school procedures.
As you may have seen from my letter last week, we have updated procedures and policies, as well as amongst other things looked at plans for lunches, entrance/exits to school and our curriculum so that it is tailored to the needs of our children.
The organisation for the return of pupils in September seemed to work well. We will build on the successes of what we did at the start of the year and make adaptations based upon what we learned. All information will be so that you are aware of when the children start and so on.
In the meantime, over the next week we will continue to provide on site education for those pupils who are eligible, as well as remote learning for those working at home. As always, I thank you for your support during this period.
As a parent, I fully understand the difficulties of homeschooling - with two children navigating remote learning at home.
Advice reminders for parents
*Arrive with your child at the appropriate start time and leave the premises immediately.
*Arrive to collect your time at the appropriate time, collect your child and leave the premises as quickly as possible.
*Avoid congregating with other parents or carers at the school entrances or anywhere around school and - wherever possible wear a face covering.
*Children may bring a book bag to carry reading books to and from school and a pack lunch bag (where applicable). Children must not bring any additional resources or personal belongings into school.
*Children are allowed to bring a water bottle which will remain on their desks and taken home at the end of the day.
*The school library will be operating for pupils within their year group bubbles after the Easter break. However, if your child has an outstanding library book, could you please ensure it is returned to school as soon as possible.
* If your child or anyone in your household is exhibiting any symptoms of Covid-19, then you must not send your child to school until you have had a test. Tests are available for all people over the age of 5.
*Access into the school building is limited to staff and children therefore we request any communication with school is via email or telephone. − If you need to visit the school reception in person please could you wear a face covering.
School Uniform
I would like to take this opportunity to make a small point about school uniform.
Next week, we aim to return our school to something close to normality - as far as that is possible.
I appreciate children have grown and that many shops - particularly when looking for some items, such as shoes - are closed.
Of course, our main priority is to get the children back in, settled and feeling part of our school family again.
Do not worry about sending your child in suitable alternative clothing, if they have outgrown their uniform - we WILL be flexible.
Alternatively, contact Mrs Baker in the school office. We keep a small stock of good quality uniform in school to be reused - where necessary.