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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Week beginning 6/12/21

As I write this, the school is looking very festive and  the children are very much enjoying the start of our Posada  and the headlong rush into Christmas.

In school, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas and although things remain very different, staff are ensuring that our children enjoy the last  few weeks of term.

All of our events have been updated and this week it's our Christmas dinner day, followed by filming of our nativity - for which the Friends of Seaburn Dene PS have helped fund, to enable parents to access a recorded link.

We are still accepting donations of food to make up community hampers with Friends of Fulwell.  If you would like to donate to this event we are accepting food stuff - tins, packets, boxes, sweets and chocolates would be much appreciated.  All donations should be in school by next Monday, 13th December. 


COVID 19 remains very much at the forefront of our mind and I know that many families, parents and children are ill.  If you do require any support please contact us through the school office.  In school we continue to make changes to our risk assessment. Staff wear masks in communal areas and they also must be worn by all visitors inside the school. We are trying to manage staff absences with the minimum impact on your child's education.


Attendance remains a key priority for the government and indeed the school. Our children have missed out on so much and full attendance remains the key to academic success. Please be aware that if parents are positive, children can still attend school unless otherwise directed by the NHS Track and Trace.  Taking your child to school is deemed essential travel and parents who have tested positive, if well enough, can arrange to drop their children at school prior to the school gates opening in the morning, by driving into the car park and picking them up prior to the end of the school day.  I do appreciate that if you are not well then this cannot be achieved and myself and my inclusion staff are happy to discuss other strategies to support full attendance.  Holidays in term time will remain unauthorised for all families. 


EVENTS over Christmas:
Reminder - Letters to Santa can be brought into school until Monday, 13th December - replies will be delivered in school.
Wednesday, 8th December - Christmas meal and jumper day, followed by a festive film. Children can wear a Christmas jumper, hat etc, if they want to.
Thursday, 9th December - filming of school nativity, starring Yrs 1 and 2 - but also featuring every class in school. This will be followed by filming of FSU children "Songs Around the Christmas Tree". Thanks to funding from the Friends, a free link to this recorded performance will be sent out to parents. Again - children can wear festive jumpers to school that day for the filming. For those children taking part in PE on Thursday, bring your kits to change into on that day only.
Please note, if you want to alter your child's consent to allow them to be filmed, please contact the school office - before Thursday.
Christmas parties - letter and party plates to follow. Children to come to school in their party clothes. With the exception of FSU, all parties are in the afternoon.
Mon, 13th Dec - Nursery and reception.
Tues, 14th Dec - Yr 3 and 4 party.
Wed, 15th Dec - Yr 5 and 6 party.
Thurs, 16th Dec - Yr 1 and 2 party .

Thurs, 16th Dec - Yr 4/5 choir - singing at Cuthbertson Court. Sheltered Accommodation (Dykelands Road.)

Fri, 17th Dec - school breaks up - usual time.
