We are now aware of rising cases of Covid 19 in school. These are new cases that have been reported over the last few days.
Following advice from Public Health today, can I repeat that if your child is over 5 and is a “close contact” of a positive case, eg sibling or parent, they are strongly advised to complete 7 days of lateral flow testing and submit the results to school using the following form, and also to the NHS via: https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Link to school lateral flow reporting form for close contacts -
While demand is high, Lateral Flow Kits can be ordered online, or collected free from local pharmacies. Order coronavirus (COVID19) rapid lateral flow tests - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk.)
We are now aware of rising cases of Covid 19 in school. These are new cases that have been reported over the last few days.
Well done to our first certificate winners of 2022 for determination. These children have really demonstrated a great deal of resilience, when starting the new year - full of all its challenges. It is lovely, also, to see our Reception children with their certificates for home reading - an essential skill for life.
Community Fundraising
A small pat on the back for everyone, for helping raise £282.20 in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning for MacMillan Cancer Support and £279.91 for The Royal British Legion. Well done everyone at school.
Deadline for Reception Places at Seaburn Dene PS
Saturday, January 15th (this Saturday) is the closing date for securing a place in our Reception class for September 2022. If you aware of anyone, either new to the area, or looking for a school place for this September, please suggest giving our school office a call on 0191 563 4100, before then.