Parents/Carers. Happy New Year.
As we enter 2022, we have received new guidance from the Department of Education, meaning further changes to arrangements and our risk assessment.
In order to further prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the new variant, we are returning to staggered starts and finishes - beginning on Tuesday.
Nursery (and older siblings) - 8.45am to 11.45am/2.45pm (EYFS Yard/Y1 yard)
Reception (and older siblings) - 8.45am - 3.15pm (EYFS/Y1 yard)
Y1 (and younger siblings) - 8.55am - 3.25pm (EYFS/Y1 yard)
Y2 (and younger siblings) - 8.55am - 3.25pm (main KS2 yard)
Y3/4 (and younger siblings) 8.45am - 3.15pm (main KS2 yard)
Y5/6 (and younger siblings) - 8.40am - 3.10pm (main KS2 yard)
Gates are open precisely 5 minutes before drop off times. Children will be dismissed, in staggered intervals - at the end of the school day, to parents waiting ON Torver Crescent by class teachers. We continue with these measures to try to mitigate risks.
In the year groups 1 to 6, younger children are allowed to enter school with the eldest sibling if that is more convenient to the family. If families are dropping Reception and Nursery children off and have an older sibling the older children are able to be dropped off at the same time as their younger sibling.
To help us further:
1. AVOID congregating and leave as soon as your child/children has/have come through the gate.
2. Wherever possible stand away from the gates and the middle of the path, so children and parents with young children don't have to walk on the road.
3. Please wear face coverings at all times when dropping off/collecting at the school gates.