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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Remember, remember

The school grounds are carpeted in the most vibrant, Autumnal colours which reminds me - as if I needed none - that the season is in full swing and Christmas is on the horizon. It was lovely to welcome the children back into school today, particularly after a short break - in which, with the help of some volunteers, and Ian (our new site supervisor), we managed to redecorate our Y6 and 4 classrooms.



For those of you who have not yet seen your child's class teacher, parents evening is on Tuesday, 19th November and Thursday, 21st November. Slips can be sent back into school to book appointment dates. Please ensure the slips are sent back and clearly marked. Thank you.



The children will be selling poppies throughout this week to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. They will be going around classrooms before breaktime. All donations are gratefully received.



Next week is Anti Bullying Week, a week in which the School Council - and all children play a very important part. On Tuesday, 12th November we will be marking Anti-Bullying Week by holding an Odd Socks Day. This is designed to be fun and  an opportunity for children to express themselves and celebrate individuality. There is no pressure on the children to wear the latest fashion or for parents to buy expensive costumes. All they have to do to take part is wear odd socks to school. It couldn’t be simpler.



For the first half term, the Daily Mile - from Nursery to Year 6 - has proved a huge success. All our children take part in 15 minutes of either social running or walking, most of which happens at lunchtime. In order for them to do this, can you please ensure that they have the right footwear to change into for running/walking. We are passionate about our children being as active as possible and hope you support us in this aspiration.



Due to a potential clash with the flu immunisations, we have chosen to move the Y3 assembly until later in November/early December. Miss Bliss will be sending out a letter regarding the assembly in the next week and the diary will be updated accordingly.

