THANK YOU EVERYONE...for a very successful Meet and Greet evening. It was a fabulous turnout and my apologies for the laryngitis and the need for a microphone. We hope you enjoyed both the whole school presentation and the opportunity to discover what lies ahead for your children in their new classes.
This week we've had wonderful news about former pupils of SDPS. It's lovely to hear about their successes and see the excitement of very proud parents preparing for graduation ceremonies. Here is this week's roll of honour:
Aden Bannister: 2:1 in Building Surveying
Andrew Berston: Masters of Electronics and Electrical Engineering-First
Sarah Cruddas : Masters in Pharmacy Degree-First
Peter Williams: First in Applied Biomedical Sciences
Sarah Williams: 2:1 in English and Education
Congratulations everyone!
If you know of former pupils who would like to be featured on our website please send us details (and a photo would be great).
And now on a serious note:
At this end of the Summer term emotions are running high, with some children becoming a little fractious. It's time for a break. However, it has come to my attention that parents are approaching children other than their own at the beginning and end of the day and there are cases of parents approaching other parents in an intimidating way on school property.
We have clear expectations with regards to parental behaviour on school property. No parent should ever approach another child or confront a parent. Any complaints about children's behaviour towards another child in school should be made to Mr. Howe or, in his absence, Mrs Wilson. If parents threaten other parents on school property they may be subject to a ban.
It is often the case that children have upsets with other children. Nine times out of ten, the children sort this out themselves. Parents becoming involved tends to make the situation worse so it's better to keep at a distance. If it's more than just a little fall out then it's appropriate to ask the school for help and support.
I hope this helps and supports every family in our school.