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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Welcome Back

Day One of the Summer term and as one of the children gleefully pointed out, the cherry trees are in full bloom. We couldn't have wished for better weather to kick off the final term of the school year. With only 13 school days before the Year 6 SATS, our minds are already turning to Sports Day and the very many other summer events in school.

Summer clothing
Outdoor play is a core part of our curriculum. Your children’s safety and comfort is our priority and we kindly ask you to provide a sun hat for your child as we approach the summer months. With the weather due to fluctuate, please remember that we strongly advise that you apply sun cream each morning before school. Remember, even on cloudy days the weather can improve. Please ensure all items of clothing including hats are clearly labelled.

Just a reminder on uniform:

  • Footwear with uniform should be black, practical school shoes - not trainers.
  • PE kit is a plain white or blue t-shirt with blue or black plain shorts and an optional school hoodie -  NO football strips allowed.
  • Distinctive hairstyles, including tramlines and coloured, dyed hair are not suitable for school.
  • If ears are pierced, only one pair of studs may be worn for safety reasons. These should not be worn on PE days, but if they cannot be removed, they must be covered up with tape which each child should keep in their PE bag.
  • Socks and tights should be plain –  black, black or grey.
  • No jewellery (except watches), nail varnish or make up.
  • Girls have the option to wear a blue checked dress (Summer), white sandals or socks (Summer).


Most clubs should be back up and running next week, once we have confirmed attendance numbers. Our breakfast and tea club are starting today. Our Green Start Course starts next Monday 1-3pm, with six sessions finishing on Monday, 17th or 24th June.


Spring Term Magazine

With the Spring term being so short yet crammed with exciting activities, I struggled to get the termly magazine out to you. However, it is almost ready and should be with you on Friday.

Dates for your diary
Half term
This half term will finish on Friday 24th May and will begin again on Monday  3rd June 2019.


As always, we are more than happy to help you, should you have any further queries at this stage in the term. Please do use the usual channels of communication to contact us, should you need to.





