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The Week of the Reading Festival



Reading Festival Activities 2nd-5th March 2015

Show us Your Shelfie-no it's not a spelling mistake. We are inviting you to take a photograph alongside your book shelf to send into school. The best photograph wins a prize.


Family Reading Break-enjoy a warm, quiet 20 minutes between 8.30am and 8.50am in the school library sharing a book with your child  or grandchild. Adults in Years 1 and 2 certainly took advantage this morning and it was lovely to see you all relaxing on a bean bag with a book.

Year 3 is on Tuesday, Year 4 Wednesday, Year 5 Thursday and Year 6 Friday.


Guess the Author Competition-around school children will find framed photographs of authors. They have to name each author then report their answers back to Mr. Howe.


Pyjamarama Bedtime Story-On Thursday at 6.30pm children are invited to return to school in their pyjamas to enjoy a bedtime story...but we are not keeping them overnight!


Foundation Stage Come to School as your Favourite Character-On Thursday children in the Foundation Stage can come to school dressed as their favourite book character. Remember warm coats and sensible shoes still need to be worn!


Other News

Photograph Day is on Wednesday this week. School uniform must be worn and long hair tied back.


Netball-we wish our netball team much success as they continue to represent the school at netball tournaments on Wednesdays. Any netballers who wish to be in Drama Club do not have to choose as a place is reserved for them. The netball season is almost over.


Mantle of the Expert- Last week I spent an afternoon with Mr. Howe in St. John's School, Benwell observing how an approach to learning called Mantle of the Expert works within a primary school. We were very impressed with the children's concentration and eloquence. On 2nd April staff at SDPS are being trained by Tim Taylor, one of the national experts in this field and look forward to dipping our toes in the Mantle of the Expert water in the months ahead.


Welcome to Ms  Greaves who will be our new intervention teacher between this week and the SATs week. Ms Greaves will work 3 days a week working with groups throughout the school. Having been an English teacher in a secondary education, we are optimising her experience by organising a Level 6 English group for her too. The expected national level for Year 6 is level 4 so the students in the Level 6 groups are working far beyond national standards.


