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The Hills Are Alive...

Amazing Behaviour

On Thursday last week I was privileged to take a group of 16 children and several other family members to Newcastle Theatre Royal to see "The Sound of Music". The show was incredibly moving and our children were mesmerised by the wonderful acting. Several times members of the public stopped me to praise the children for their outstanding behaviour so congratulations to these children and their families. It makes organising excursions an absolute pleasure.


Congratulations to Year 3

At the end of the Summer term there is a concentrated focus in primary schools on Year 6 as they prepare to leave primary education. However, I would like to congratulate the children who are now in Year 3 on their amazing SATs results. In every area they achieved standards above 2014 national standards with 100% of children attaining Level 2 in reading, writing and maths and 100% of the class achieving expected progress when measured against their Foundation Stage scores. Their success is down to their own hard work, outstanding teaching and excellent parental support.


Welcome to our New Pupils

Across the school we have welcomed new children into virtually every class. We hope that they, along with their families, treasure this very special time in their school life as it passes incredibly quickly. Although our numbers are growing significantly, there are still a few spaces in some of our year groups and especially in Year 1 so if you have a new neighbour struggling to find a school for their child, please pass on our details.


And finally....some website statistics

Last week 64 people opened our weekly bulletin and 43 the diary dates. On average 34 seconds was spent reading the news.

We had 290 visitors from the UK, 5 from USA and 1 from each of France, India, Switzerland and the Netherlands.



