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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Arrangements for September


We are currently busy in school preparing to welcome the children back.

From Wednesday, school will be reopening fully, in-line with the latest Government Guidance and complete Covid-19 risk assessment.  


We aim to make the necessary changes whilst minimising the impact on routines and maximising the learning opportunities for all our children.


We recognise that, whatever we must put in place, may have an impact on our children’s families, and we have consciously tried to consider them in these decisions.  


The things that we believe work well for our school will remain, if slightly adapted, whilst other things that do not have a positive impact on the safety, wellbeing and development of our children will be altered.  

Our vision, ethos, drivers and values remain the same.  They underpin our world view and approach to education, in every context. 


Class Start times


Nursery and Reception

Nursery - 8.45am

Reception - 8.55am

Formal activities start at 9am.  Parents will drop their children off with staff in the small yard, exiting via the side gate. Please maintain your social distancing while in the school yard and wear a face mask. 


On Wednesday, 2nd September - NEW children to Seaburn Dene Primary only for parent and child visit to both Reception and Nursery. Slots available from your class teacher, entry via Torver Crescent.


On Thursday, 3rd September - NEW children to Seaburn Dene Primary.

Reception - Stay and play sessions, from 9.30am. (AM only.)

Nursery - Stay and play sessions, from 10.45am (AM only.)

RETURNING children to Seaburn Dene Primary:

Reception - Thursday, 3rd September - 1pm to 3.15pm.

Nursery - Thursday, 3rd September - 1pm to 2.45pm.


On Friday, 4th September

Reception - All children - 8.55am to 3.15pm

Nursery - AM session: 8.45am drop off, 11.45am collection, exit via side gate.

PM session: 11.45am drop off, 2.45pm collection.


Yrs 2, 3 and 4.

Yr 2 - 8.50am, main school yard.

Yr 3 - 9am, main school yard.

Yr 4 - 8.50am, main school yard.


Yrs 2 and 4 will have their own section of the yard to move into.


Yrs  1, 5 and 6

Yr 1 - 9am - FSU/Yr 1 entrance via Torver Crescent.

Yr 5 - 8.40am - main school yard.

Yr 6 - main school yard - 8.30am.


Each class will have their own break time and lunch time, so that they do not mix.  We will utilise each outdoor space as much as possible


These morning breaks will be:

Early Years - outside when can

Yrs 5/6 - 10:10am

Yrs 1 /2 - 10:30am

Yrs 3/4 - 10:50am


Lunch times (60 minutes):

Children will have use of both the main hall and the small gym for hot meals.

Meal times:

Nursery - 11.45am to 12.15pm (Nursery), outdoors 12.15pm to 12.45pm.

Reception- 11:45am to 12:15pm, outside 12.15pm - 12.45pm.

Yr1- 12:15pm -12:45pm, outside 12:45pm to 1.15pm.

Yr2- 12:15pm -12:45pm, outside 12:45pm to 1.15pm.

Yr3- 12:15pm -12:45pm, outside 12.45pm to 1.15pm.

Yr4- 12:45pm -1.15pm, outside 12.15pm to 12.45pm.

Yr5- 11.45am to 12.15pm,  outside at 12:15pm to 12.45pm.

Yr6- 11.45am-12:15pm, outside at 12:15pm to 12.45pm.


Class Home times:


Again, to minimise the interaction and maintain social distancing, our gates will open at 3:05pm.  Parents/carers should wait on Torver Crescent for Yrs 1 to 6 should ready for the new home times. Nursery and Reception parents can wait on the small yard for their children, before exiting via the side gate.


Nursery - 11:45am and 2.45pm

Reception - 3:15pm

Yrs 1 and 3 - 3:30pm

Yrs 2 and 4 - 3:20pm

Yr 5 - 3:10pm

Yr 6 - 3:30pm



It is important that children arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before their allocated time, to avoid bubbles mixing.

Your class teacher will be on the yard to meet your child, where they will bring them into school.


For Nursery and Reception, parents can bring their child onto the small yard, but must remain socially distanced and wear face coverings, wherever possible. FSU parents must then exit via the side gate, to keep our one way system.

All parents, once they have collected or dropped their children off, must leave Torver Crescent. All of the children must stay with their adult at all times.

Children in Classes 5 and 6 may walk home unaccompanied only once we have received signed permission. The gates will be locked at 3:40pm.

If you are unavoidably delayed, the children will remain in their classroom and you must contact the school office so that handover can be arranged.



Uniform expectations are same. Every child should come to school dressed smartly and appropriately (no jewellery, false nails etc) On ear piercings, studs only - removed for PE. As we will be utilising the outdoor space even more than usual, please ensure that the children are always equipped with suitable outdoor clothing such as waterproof coat and sensible shoes.
Please note: All items of clothing should be named.

BAGS: These are allowed now. The only items they should contain are: 
Reading books and Reading Records
PE kit (to remain in school)
Packed lunches (where applicable)
Musical instruments for peripatetic lessons

We must still minimise the sharing of equipment and resources.  Therefore, all of the children will be provided with a personal set of stationary, but children in Years 5 and 6 may bring in a pencil case etc, which must remain in school during term time. They will be given their own school (named pen).



This will be set online via Class Dojo from now on, so as to minimise the movement of resources between home and school.



We are looking at the possibility of offering limited number, in class bubbles. We will share information regarding this in WK 2.



 Mrs Smith is in the process of contacting families who have expressed a need for this facility. This is - under current guidelines - limited.

We are hoping to be able to relax a lot of these restrictions as soon as is possible, but we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work things out together.
