This week is national Anti Bullying Week. Classes will explore bullying and strategies for dealing with bullies whether face to face or online. Having spent two very revealing meetings with the School Council, as a school we seem to be dealing with children's behaviour very well, as the School Council report that bullying is rare at SDPS and that teachers deal with any incidents that may spiral into bullying. But no school can be complacent so must keep on promoting kindness and good social skills.
As part of the week I will be reading the introduction of a lovely children's novel, The Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine which has bullying as its central theme. I have unearthed 9 copies for children to enjoy. The reading level is appropriate for independent readers in Years 3 and 4 and for someone who wants a quick read in Year 5. On Thursday, Year 3 will be leading the school assembly with anti bullying as its theme. It begins at 2.50pm and parents are invited.
Memories and Remembrance
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Memories Showcases on Wednesday and Thursday. We felt immensely proud of our children, who take Remembrance very seriously, and we had some incredibly complimentary feedback from you. Your support for these events certainly encourages us to organise similar themed events in the Spring and Summer terms.
Years 1 and 2 are continuing to explore Remembrance and today are visiting the War Memorial at Mowbray Park. On such a mild Autumn day they should see the memorial at its best, complete with new poppy wreaths.
Non Uniform Day
On Thursday it is a non uniform day in return for chocolate. Scarily the Christmas Fair is next week! Once again Mrs Dawson is in the staff kitchen folding raffle tickets. She politely asks that you return sold ticket stubs as early as possible so there is less folding to do at the actual fair. We are also appealing for:
Improving Teaching
On Friday we will be joined by Mr. Alan Sergison, an educational consultant. I have invited Mr. Sergison into school to observe lessons with senior members of staff to provide an objective view of our teaching and learning. Mr. Sergison has vast experience as a consultant and OFSTED inspector and will be working alongside us during this academic year to help us to achieve teaching skills that are the best they can be.