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Week beginning 17.01.22

Covid-19 Update

I’m sure that you will be aware that you may be able to reduce the length of self-isolation from today (Monday 17 th January.) There is still a requirement for anyone who has symptoms to self-isolate and get a PCR test. You must also still self-isolate if you have tested positive on an LFD test. In either case, the day you get symptoms or the day you get a positive LFD test is classed as Day Zero. The isolation period remains 10 days and the first of those days is Day 1 which is the day after Day Zero.

The change is that this isolation period can can be reduced to 5 full days in certain circumstances. Firstly, your child should be well enough and without a temperature. If your child has a high temperature, they cannot end their isolation. Secondly, your child should receive 2 consecutive negative LFD results which were taken 24 hours apart. The earliest they should take the first LFD test is on day 5. Any positive test after a first negative test would mean that the first negative is null and void. This would reset the isolation period and your child would still require 2 consecutive negative tests from this point forward.

To return on the day of a second negative test, both tests would need to be taken before 9am. You must register results with the NHS Website: and you either e-mail both those results to school.  Importantly, it still remains the case that if after 10 days of isolation your child still has a high temperature, they should not return to school and you should seek medical advice such as contacting your GP or phoning 111.


Multiple Infections

Over the last week to 10 days, we now have had a number of pupils and adults in school who have had a confirmed coronavirus infection. Some of these are for the second time in quite a short period of time, in some cases less than six weeks from the first infection. This means it is really important for everybody to remain vigilant and to get children tested at the sign of any symptoms. Just because your child has already had coronavirus does not mean they cannot get it again. Please remain vigilant.



If your child has symptoms of Covid-19 you must still arrange for them to get a PCR test. You can book a test where you can also order a test to be sent to your home. Do not use an LFD test instead of arranging a PCR. Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms must still self-isolate as described above. As throughout the pandemic, if your child displays any of the Covid-19 symptoms, you will be contacted to collect them immediately and take them for a PCR test.


Home Learning

We are aware that some children are having to self-isolate due to Covid-19 and that they may feel well enough to engage with remote learning. I want to remind you that staff are publishing home learning newsletters for their class, where children are self-isolating, at the beginning of each week on Class Dojo. If children are unwell, there is no expectation that they complete home learning; we understand that the priority is for children and families to recover from illness.


Precautionary Measures

I also want to assure you that we are working hard to manage this as carefully as possible in school, so we don’t overly disrupt your child’s learning opportunities. The start times and end times of the school day will remain as they are for the time being. We will continue to run our breakfast and tea clubs as normal at this stage. In addition, we will continue to significantly limit any mixing between classes inside the school building. Classrooms will be well ventilated and we will inform you of any positive cases in your child’s class. This will give you accurate information and help you keep your family safe. We will continue to do all we can to keep everybody as safe as possible, informing families as and when guidance is changed and doing all we can to avoid having to restrict attendance; your children have missed enough school.

I’d like to thank you again for your support in helping me achieve this and stress that the importance of your role cannot be underestimated. We are stronger working together.



