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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Week 4 at Seaburn Dene Primary School

OPAL Play survey
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our school recognises the value of quality playtime experiences for all our children.
To acknowledge this, we are embarking on a new programme called OPAL ' Outdoor Play and Learning' and over the next 18 months- 2 years which will be looking to develop and reimagine our outdoor space and the play opportunities we offer.
As part of this process, we will be listening to all those involved; children, staff, parents and our Governing board.
In order to help us, we would like to understand what you think of your children's play/lunchtimes; find out a little bit about your own play experiences as a child and listen to any ideas you may have for improving play at our school. We will be asking the children and staff too.
Please click on the link to complete the parental version of the questionnaire:
This questionnaire will be available until the end of term.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr John Howe


Travel Tracker - June Challenge

It's all happening on Travel Tracker. Yr 3 have pipped Yr 6 to be our leaders in Class of the Month (Mr Smith will be delighted.) While we have broken into the top 40 in the whole UK! Let's keep it up - more active journeys, more scooting, park and riding, cycling, skipping!


Sports Day - Volunteers needed!

The Friends Group will be running a refreshment stall outside the main office throughout Sports Day on Thursday. We will be providing tea, coffee, juice, cakes, sweet cones, crisps, ice cream, ice pops and we will be selling raffle tickets which will be drawn at 2.30pm.
We are looking for volunteers to help out man our stalls, even if you can only offer 30mins it would be very welcome. We also require donations of cake, either homemade or shop bought, we do not mind! Cakes should be handed in on
Sports Day morning.


APPEAL: Second hand football kit/boots.
We are having a final push before sending our collection of boots/kit to the Onside football charity in Liberia in the next 10 days. If you have any old kit/boots you are happy to donate please send them into school and we will forward them on, to help kit out girls and boys teams in West Africa.


What a busy week

There was lots of outdoor learning, smoothie making, historical investigations, visits to the beach, the Marina and Weardale and - of course - our Yr 6 party at Supertramp.



