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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

A New School Year?!

Moving is the day when all our children move into their new classes so there's great excitement and anticipation. This is one of the things that makes our school different. Not only do children and teachers get to know each other really well before the Summer holidays but we can also spend a  month working on a whole school topic. Click here for a more detailed overview of the topic


This year all our classes are creating their own island. Some classes will be exploring a story such as "Where the Wild Things Are", making masks and dances about Max's journey, while others will be creating island myths, belief systems and looking in depth at the geographical features of the island. The teachers are so excited about this theme that they are bound to inspire superb work which you'll be able to see during the last week of term at the Showcase.


Meet and Greet

You are all invited to attend our annual Meet and Greet on Wednesday 5th July. Flyers are being sent out to remind you.


Big Bags and Rucksacks

Large bags and rucksacks have crept back into school again. As gorgeous as they are, our cloakrooms are not built to store them as they take up a huge amount of space. Neither do they reduce lost property. Homework should be carried in book bags and PE/swimming kit in a PE bag or carrier bag and packed lunch in a lunch box. From September we will not be allowing other bags into school, except on trip days. All stationery is provided so please leave pencil cases at home.


P.E. Kit

All classes have PE lessons at least twice a week. Kit should be brought into schools on a Monday and left until Friday. Too many children "forget" kit so sit end up sitting out of lessons. We expect all children to be well prepared for learning in all subjects. Only children with a letter from parents, stating a genuine medical reason, will be allowed to miss a P.E lesson. The school is going to create its own spare kit bags for all age groups. If you have kit that is as good as new but your child has grown out of it, please send it to the school office so that we can create our spare kit bags. This kit will be washed by a member of staff after every use.


Prevent Radicalisation-It's been a very distressing few weeks nationally, so I want to assure you that we are all trained to identify children and adults who are being radicalised into extreme beliefs and actions. A frightening amount of contact with newcomers to extremism comes via the internet.  It's a very tiny minority of the population who experience attempts at radicalisation so, whilst parents would be wise to keep checking and questioning what children are doing online, keep calm and don't worry. Training will be completed this week when Governors meet on Wednesday.


