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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Year 6 is an exciting, challenging and fast-paced environment: we are always busy! Our most important job is getting you Year 7 ready, so we focus on independence (particularly getting yourself organised) and resilience. Because of this, we have high expectations for your work in class as well as your home learning.

Our timetable stays very broad, so you will continue to learn regularly in all your favourite subjects. We have some excellent topics planned, for example: learning about the Amazon rainforest in geography; investigating the time of the Victorians in history and finding out all about the heart in science. 

Let's have a fantastic year!

Mrs H

General Information

Wednesday PE
Thursday PE
Friday Homework due and new homework set. 

Reading in Y6

Reading holds the key to the whole curriculum. In Year 6, we read every day in class and ask you to read every day at home.

We expect that you:

  •  spend at least 15 minutes per day on Reading Plus.
  •  read at least two chapters of your recreational reading book each week and create some content for our reading scrapbook. 

Our class novels this year will be:

Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

Firework-Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman


Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll

Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo


A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


No One is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg


Holes by Louis Sachar Skellig by David Almond

Trash by Andy Mulligan


Touching the Void by Joe Simpson


Home Learning 

Weekly homework will consist broadly of the following:

  1. Reading Plus for 15 minutes daily
  2. Spelling Frame
  3. TT Rockstars
  4. SATs Companion (maths and English)

Class Gallery

Wizard of Oz Song 1

Wizard of Oz Song 2

Wizard of Oz Song 3

Wizard of Oz Song 4

Wizard of Oz Song 5

Wizard of Oz Song 6

Wizard of Oz Song 7