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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Summer Term Starts here

This term - is a term of looking forward and we have much to look forward to.

The return of most shielding staff, after school clubs, some school trips slowly starting, maybe some competitive sports, a Y6 residential and – I am confident – a full uninterrupted term of learning.

We will hopefully have our new, Friends of Seaburn Dene-funded EYFS area and the start of KS2 yard improvements, either completed or underway.

In April and May, we will continue to plant trees and wild flowers across the grounds. Also in the summer term, most year groups will be having their Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons: some of which has been carried over from last year. This content would not have been the easiest to deliver remotely. 

I am sure that it is going to be a glorious summer. Fingers and toes crossed.


Training Days 21/22

There is no let up and we are already well ahead with our planning for the next academic year - starting in September 2021.

Our training days for next year are:

Monday, September 6th 2021

Friday, October 22nd 2021

Friday, February 18th 2022

This means that the first day of term for 2021/22 will be Tuesday, 7th September 2021.


Other Dates

Virtual Parent's Evening - Week beginning 17th May (letter to follow). We will be issuing a letter and details of booking  in the coming weeks.

Monday, 24th May 2021 - Y6 Residential Week.

Transition Day - all classes move up for the day - Monday, 5th July. Followed by a Meet and Greet - again we will be advised by the Government's roadmap on what we can do.

Y6 Leavers' Events - w/b 21st June - details to follow.
