In the Autumn term, 65% of our children were awarded green boxes on their reports for outstanding behaviour. This is amazing and shows the world that at Seaburn Dene we are friendly, ready to learn and polite. A vast majority of the other children also have good behaviour for most of the time with yellow or a combination of yellow and green boxes. A letter of congratulations for all children with two green boxes is on its way to parents who have to take the praise for this remarkable achievement. And don't forget-6 green boxes for behaviour is one of our criteria for a special trip out in the Summer.
Refuse the Straw Update
The School Council have written a very persuasive letter to Muller Milk to request that they change the plastic straws that come with the milk into the Foundation Stage to paper straws. Good news last week is that Costa will no longer be using plastic straws so the School Council are very keen to change this in all Sunderland schools too.
Yesterday Patisserie Valerie announced that they would offer anyone who reuses their disposable cups a 50p discount for each cup of coffee. That's good news for everyone.
Football Tournament
Last week our Year 5 and 6 footballers took part in a tournament. They had superb wins, moving into the quarter finals where they met last year's winners Hill View Junior School. Unfortunately, they lost 2-1 but are going from strength to strength under the management of Mr Traves.