This week our Year 6 take their SATs. We say "at last" as preparing the children for the new standards has been incredibly hard work. Most of the staff have been involved in taking individuals and groups before and after school for many months, Mr. Smith organised us all to be involved in Easter school, a second Year 6 teacher to support Mr. Smith by making class sizes smaller was approved by Governors and I have taught each day since Christmas. And now the day has arrived where children have the opportunity to put all that learning onto paper. They have worked extra hard this year and, when things have become difficult, shown extraordinary determination. We wish them every success.
A letter written by our Year 6 WE "committee" has been sent out to all families. We hope you are able to support the girls in their endeavours.
On Tuesday this week Year 5 are taking part in a rugby tournament. It is taking place during the school day on Monkwearmouth field so there is no travelling involved. The team needs to get a few wins tomorrow to move up the rankings. Good luck Year 5.