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Remembrance Week


If you have been with us for some time you will know that we take Remembrance Weekend very seriously. Year 6 are selling poppies this week so all donations are gratefully received. The school also holds an assembly each year which includes a 2 minute silence at 11.00am on 11th day of the 11th hour and this year it will be led by Reverend Bradshaw of St. Andrew's Church.


To enhance Remembrance, this week our theme across the school is one of memories and even this morning I saw one of the nursery children talking to the teacher about the lovely photographs and objects in his memory box. All classes are inviting you to a showcase, when each class will give a presentation in the main hall followed by a visit to classrooms where you will have the time to enjoy your children's thoughts and work on the theme of Memories.


This week the assembly theme is "Memories of War" and today I will telling the school about the brave Sikh soldiers of WW1.



For those of you who have not yet seen your child's classteacher, parents evening is tomorrow (Tuesday)evening. Miss Bliss will keep her appointments as arranged. She will make arrangements to see her cancelled appointments very soon.



Folding raffle tickets must rank as one of the year's most boring jobs yet, this morning, Cheryl Dawson, of the Friends, has collected the raffle ticket money handed in so far, ticked numbers off against a list, written on stubs where names had not been put on every ticket and folded the tickets. It has taken her all morning so thank you to everyone selling tickets for us and to the Friends for doing all those tedious tasks that create a wonderful Christmas Fayre. 



Next week is Anti Bullying Week, a week in which the School Council plays a very important part. Several Councillors attended an Anti Bullying Conference with Mrs Taylor on one of our October INSET days. They will be telling the rest of the school about the conference in assembly today then, next week, going into each class to talk to children so that they know what bullying is and what to do if it happens to them. They have also asked if they can organise a competition to redesign the cover of the children's anti bullying leaflet. What super work from our councillors.


