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Fabulous February

What a wonderful month or two we have planned. This week our Patron of Reading, Karen Langtree will be leading workshops with Years 5 and 6. Karen is currently writing a musical based on a forthcoming novel "Knights of the Wobbly Table" and the workshops will be based on these. It will involve children both writing and composing so should be enormous fun yet with tight deadlines and demands.


Vanilla Van Ghost Competition

For all artists out there, tomorrow we are launching an illustration competition. Vanilla Van Ghost, a wonderful poem, is by one of my favourite authors, Ivan Jones. Ivan Jones wrote "The Ghost Hunter", televised by the BBC some years ago. Children will be given an A4 copy of the poem to illustrate with their own imaginings inspired by the poem. The closing date is Wednesday 24th February at 9.15am. The overall winner will receive a very special prize and the winner of every class will have his/her illustration sent to Ivan Jones to be signed. Good luck everyone-we cannot wait to see your interpretations of this magical poem.


Vanilla Van Ghost


The Path to the house was darkened

As shadows fell here and there.

An owl was blindly hooting

And the moon had a wild-eyed stare.


Over the roof-tops hurtled -

As I walked to my door -

The shape of a ghostly ice-cream van

Which chilled me to the core.


It flew right down beside me,

As soft as a giant bat.

The window opened silently

And an ice-cream landed - SPLAT!


In fear I turned and stumbled

Headlong towards my door

But the ghostly van pursued me

And a demon voice cried - MORE!


A rain of frozen lollies

Came showering on my head

In a range of creepy colours-

Spooky white to Vampire Red!


I leaped through the open door

And shut it with a SNICK!

But a choc-ice whizzed through the letter box

And the demon voice yelled - LICK!


Thank goodness when I woke

I found it was just a dream -

A dream of Vanilla Van Ghost

The demon seller of ice-cream!

Ivan Jones


Sporting Activities

Last week our swimming team enjoyed the gala at the Aquatic Centre. Although they did not move into the next round, the team felt they had worked hard, shown a competitive edge and enjoyed the experience.


This week ten Year 5 children are training to be Young Leaders in Sport.


Church Visit

Also this week Year 2 will be visiting a local church so, as the weather is unpredictable, wrap up well for the short walk.


Year 6 Parents Maths Workshop

On Tuesday after school Mr. Smith will be leading a workshop for the parents of Year 6 pupils to help them to support their children at home. During the past 15 months, the way in which we teach certain aspects of maths changed again so these workshops are by popular request.


Ashing on Ash Wednesday

Our good friend Revd Child has offered to lead an Ash Wednesday assembly at 2.45 next Wednesday (10th). He will invite volunteers to be ashed. If you do not wish your child to take part please let us know well  in advance of the assembly. Adults are invited to attend the assembly and come forward too.


Staff Book Club

With all the demands that comes with being a teacher, sometimes the fundamentals are pushed to one side. As a classteacher I was an avid reader of children's fiction, but I am the first to admit that I am not keeping up with contemporary works. Like preparing for a marathon, the best way to achieve your goals is with support and encouragement from likeminded people so we have created a staff book club. Everyone working permanently in a classroom is a member and our first book was given out yesterday. It is "Street Child" by Berlie Doherty. Set in London in the 1860s it features Jim Jarvis who escapes from the workhouse and fits in very nicely with our Dickensian theme.  Watch out for reviews appearing in the library in the months to come.

