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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Cash Boost

Cash Boost

A huge thank you to Sunderland-based financial services company BGL who popped into school to present a £1,000 cheque for the revamp of our new Lighthouse Room. The help - organised through parent helper Mrs Youern - will continue with BGL staff volunteering in school. Pictured are Claire Leighton and Denise Straughan, part of BGL's CSR team, with Yr3. Claire - auntie to Yr 3 pupil Alexander - requested the funding for our school. If you or your friends/family work for BGL group they could be eligible to help school with match funding. Thank you.


Positive Behaviour

Following discussions with staff and pupils, we have adopted traffic light behaviour system – which will be adapted from our Positive Behaviour approach. Each class will have a traffic light system displayed.

What is it?

In the class, there will be a classroom reward ladder with five coloured parts: gold, silver, bronze green, yellow, red (x2). Each child will have their names placed each day on green and moved up and down depending on their behaviour over the course of a day.

 How does it work?

All pupils begin the day on green (regardless of where they ended the previous day).

· If a pupil displays good behaviour they get moved up the chart each time by one step, until they reach gold.

· If a pupil has maintained gold at the end of the day and earned a super power they can be rewarded with a Positive Memo and three Dojos. Similarly, if they end they day on Silver – they can finish with two Dojos.

 · If a pupil misbehaves or acts in a way that is contrary to school rules/values, they will be moved down one step, for each incident. In the first instance they will be given a verbal request. A verbal warning represents a move down the ladder. Then they will be moved down.

· A pupil moves back up the chart as soon as they show they are able to improve their behaviour during the session.

School Rules 

The school rules clearly define the high standard of behaviour that we expect in school. They are referred to frequently and our aim is to encourage our children to be positive and resilient in all they do and should h create a happy environment for pupils to work in. 


Seaburn Soundscape

We are keen to innovate and show our creativity and Yr 5 will be doing this today, as they head down to Seaburn seafront to record the sounds of our area, for their own musical composition with The Lake Poets. This builds on their original school song and shows what an exciting place our school is to learn.


Healthy Food Stall

Every Monday and Wednesday - Yr 5 - are running their own Fair Trade fruit staff for the school. Fruit is just 20p each and again we are grateful for the support of parents, such as Mrs Hodgson, in making this possible.


Friends of Fulwell

EYFS welcomed Peter from Friends of Fulwell/North East sport for a mass bulb planting in the school grounds on Monday. The school is keen to work with our community and people like Peter are trying their hardest to make our area a great place to live in.

