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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Working together

 The second Monday in March is Commonwealth Day and this year's theme is our Connected Commonwealth. With a little help from Oliver (Yr 4) and James (Yr 2) we explored the idea that their are times when independence is the best way to complete a task and there are others when more help is needed. 

 It was a simple way of leading children to begin to appreciate what is needed for 53 countries, with an estimated population of over 2 billion need to do to achieve some of the smallest things.

 In our school - through promoting a growth mindset - we aim to encourage our children to become independent, confident and determined learners, but also understanding the points at which they need to come together: to work as a team.

 At our school, we fundamentally believe that sport and the creative arts are two areas where both of these approaches are needed. We have some incredibly determined children, who are giving their all individually and in groups to make this year's musical production Pantastic, a spectacular event. Staff too. 

 And in sport - we aim to participate and compete in as many activities as we're able, laying the foundations for a healthy and active lifestyle for all of our children. Last week, it was football at the Foundation of Light, this week: tennis. Two sports where both the individual and the team come together.

 The creative arts and PE are a essential part of what our school believes in, carrying the values of teamwork, aspiration, respect and determination into the children's academic life. To learn lines off by heart, requires practice; to master a back hand or volley takes the same amount of dedication, qualities which equally apply to children's learning. No excuses necessary.


Bark and Read

Well it was an emotional farewell to Mrs Crossley and Robbie, who, thanks to the success of her work in dog training, has found increasing pressures on the time she is able to dedicate to us at Seaburn Dene. For the last three years, this dynamic duo have listened to scores of children read and have been a hugely anticipated presence in school. It's not the end. I'm reassured that when judging comes around in our many competitions, Mrs Crossley may well be available. But in the meantime, it goes for all of his here to wish both her and Robbie all our very best for their bright future, a message we sent loud and clear at assembly on Friday.


Artistic talent

It is so rewarding to reflect on the talents of our children both past and present. On the former, Yr 7 Poppy Gray came into school to unveil the digital artwork she created while still at Seaburn Dene and now hangs proudly in our main entrance. Poppy designed her images to accompany the school's house teams (those names originally suggested by Y8 Eva Marshall when in school.) A sneak peak at her work, confirms what a wonderful artist she is growing into. On past pupils, huge congratulations to Y9 Adam Edwards and his work to collect and redistribute pre-owned (old) football boots to children across our community. We aim to support Adam in his endeavours with North East Sport and any donations can be left in the office. Well done!

