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  • Torver Crescent, Seaburn Dene, Sunderland, SR6 8LG Tel - 0191 5634100

Welcome back and School Uniform Reminder

It really has been wonderful welcoming all the children back to Seaburn Dene at the start of 2019. This week we have been sharing stories and messages in assembly around "resolutions". The theme has been rather than give something up, saying "I will.." which fits in perfectly with our Growth Mindset attitude at school.

 On that note, I would like to thank you all our parents who make sure their children arrive at school in the proper school uniform. We are really proud of our school uniform and expect all children to wear it. However, I have noticed increasing numbers of children who are not wearing correct school uniform—mainly this is children forgetting what’s allowed and what isn’t or neglecting to come to school with a PE kit. Furthermore, our expectations around uniform extends to hairstyles and jewellery, below is a reminder of the uniform and expectations for ALL our children.

  • Footwear with uniform should be black, practical school shoes - not trainers.
  • PE kit is a plain white or blue t-shirt with blue or black plain shorts and an optional school hoodie -  NO football strips allowed.
  • Distinctive hairstyles, including tramlines and coloured, dyed hair are not suitable for school.
  • If ears are pierced, only one pair of studs may be worn for safety reasons. These should not be worn on PE days, but if they cannot be removed, they must be covered up with tape which each child should keep in their PE bag.
  • Socks and tights should be plain –  black, black or grey.
  • No jewellery (except watches), nail varnish or make up.

I have reminded the school of our rules and class teachers will re-enforce our message to maintain high standards. Individual letters will then be sent home to children who continue to wear the uniform which is not in line with school rules, which ultimately could be reflected in their end-of-year report. Thank you for your support.

